]> git.kianting.info Git - uann/blob - index.js
[uann] / index.js
1 "use strict";
2 var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
5 if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
6 desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
7 }
8 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
9 }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
10 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
11 o[k2] = m[k];
12 }));
13 var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
14 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
15 }) : function(o, v) {
16 o["default"] = v;
17 });
18 var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
19 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
20 var result = {};
21 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
22 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
23 return result;
24 };
25 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
26 exports.OnceOrMoreDo = exports.matchAny = exports.m1TType = exports.tkTreeToSExp = void 0;
27 var fs = require('fs');
28 const node_process_1 = require("node:process");
29 const tk = __importStar(require("./tokenize.js"));
30 const util = __importStar(require("util"));
31 /**
32 * debug reprensenting
33 */
34 let repr = (x) => { return util.inspect(x, { depth: null }); };
35 /**
36 * concated 2 `tkTree`s
37 * @param x the array to be concated
38 * @param y the item or array to ve concated
39 * @returns concated tkTree array, or thrown error if can't be concated.
40 */
41 function concat(x, y) {
42 if (Array.isArray(x)) {
43 return x.concat(y);
44 }
45 else {
46 throw new Error("the tkTree can't be concated, because it's not an array.");
47 }
48 }
49 function slice(x, index, end) {
50 if (Array.isArray(x)) {
51 return x.slice(index, end);
52 }
53 else {
54 throw new Error("the tkTree can't be concated, because it's not an array.");
55 }
56 }
57 /**
58 * convert a `tkTree` AST to S-expr string
59 * @param t the `tkTree`
60 * @returns S-expr String
61 */
62 function tkTreeToSExp(t) {
63 var str = "";
64 if (Array.isArray(t)) {
65 let strArray = t.map((x) => tkTreeToSExp(x));
66 str = "(" + strArray.join(" ") + ")";
67 }
68 else {
69 if (t === undefined) {
70 str = "%undefined";
71 }
72 else {
73 str = t.text;
74 }
75 }
76 return str;
77 }
78 exports.tkTreeToSExp = tkTreeToSExp;
79 /**
80 * @description
81 * match one token type.
82 *
83 * it returns a function which test if the type of first token of the `remained` part of
84 * the argument of the function is `typ` , if it's true, update the `TokenMatcheePair` wrapped
85 * in `Some`. Otherwise, it returns `None`.
86 * * @param typ : the type to be test.
87 * @returns the updated `TokenMatcheePair` wrapped in `Some(x)` or `None`.
88 */
89 function m1TType(typ) {
90 return (m) => {
91 if (m.remained.length == 0) {
92 return { _tag: "None" };
93 }
94 /**
95 * token to be matched
96 * */
97 const ttbm = m.remained[0];
98 if (ttbm.type == typ) {
99 let new_matched = m.matched.concat(ttbm);
100 let result = {
101 _tag: "Some", value: {
102 matched: new_matched,
103 remained: m.remained.slice(1),
104 ast: ([ttbm]),
105 }
106 };
107 return result;
108 }
109 else {
110 return { _tag: "None" };
111 }
112 };
113 }
114 exports.m1TType = m1TType;
115 ;
116 /**
117 * type int
118 */
119 let tInt = m1TType(tk.TokenType.INT);
120 let tId = m1TType(tk.TokenType.ID);
121 let tAdd = m1TType(tk.TokenType.I_ADD);
122 let tSub = m1TType(tk.TokenType.I_SUB);
123 let tMul = m1TType(tk.TokenType.I_MUL);
124 let tDiv = m1TType(tk.TokenType.I_DIV);
125 let tLParen = m1TType(tk.TokenType.L_PAREN);
126 let tRParen = m1TType(tk.TokenType.R_PAREN);
127 let tComma = m1TType(tk.TokenType.COMMA);
128 let toSome = tk.toSome;
129 node_process_1.argv.forEach((val, index) => {
130 console.log(`${index}=${val}`);
131 });
132 /**
133 * like `m ==> f` in ocaml
134 * @param m matchee wrapped
135 * @param f matching function
136 * @returns wrapped result
137 */
138 function thenDo(m, f) {
139 if (m._tag == "None") {
140 return m;
141 }
142 else {
143 var a = f(m.value);
144 if (a._tag == "Some") {
145 a.value.ast = concat(m.value.ast, a.value.ast);
146 }
147 return a;
148 }
149 }
150 /**
151 * like `f1 | f2` in regex
152 * @param f1 the first tried function
153 * @param f2 the second tried function
154 * @returns wrapped result
155 */
156 function orDo(f1, f2) {
157 return (x) => {
158 let res1 = f1(x);
159 if (res1._tag == "Some") {
160 return res1;
161 }
162 else {
163 let res2 = f2(x);
164 return res2;
165 }
166 };
167 }
168 /**
169 *
170 * @param m : the `MatcheePair` to be consumed.
171 * @returns if the length of `m.remained` >= 1; consumes the matchee by 1 token
172 * and wraps it in `Some`,
173 * otherwise, returns `None`.
174 */
175 function matchAny(m) {
176 if (m.remained.length >= 1) {
177 return {
178 _tag: "Some", value: {
179 matched: m.matched.concat(m.remained[0]),
180 remained: m.remained.slice(1),
181 ast: [m.remained[0]],
182 }
183 };
184 }
185 else {
186 return { _tag: "None" };
187 }
188 }
189 exports.matchAny = matchAny;
190 /**
191 * Danger : Maybe it's not enough to work.
192 * @description repeating matching function `f`
193 * zero or more times, like the asterisk `*` in regex `f*` .
194 * @param f : the function to be repeated 0+ times.
195 * @returns:the combined function
196 */
197 function OnceOrMoreDo(f) {
198 return (x) => {
199 var wrappedOldX = { _tag: "Some", value: x };
200 var wrappedNewX = wrappedOldX;
201 var counter = -1;
202 while (wrappedNewX._tag != "None") {
203 wrappedOldX = wrappedNewX;
204 wrappedNewX = thenDo(wrappedOldX, f);
205 counter += 1;
206 }
207 ;
208 if (counter <= 0) {
209 return { _tag: "None" };
210 }
211 let ast = wrappedOldX.value.ast;
212 wrappedOldX.value.ast = ast.slice(ast.length - counter);
213 console.log(repr(wrappedOldX.value.ast));
214 return wrappedOldX;
215 };
216 }
217 exports.OnceOrMoreDo = OnceOrMoreDo;
218 /**
219 * aux function for midfix operator
220 * @param f function
221 * @param signal the rule name
222 * @returns
223 */
224 let midfix = (f, signal) => (x) => {
225 var a = f(x);
226 if (a._tag == "Some") {
227 let ast_tail = slice(a.value.ast, a.value.ast.length - 3);
228 let new_ast = [ast_tail];
229 a.value.ast = new_ast;
230 // console.log("+"+signal+"+"+repr(a));
231 }
232 return a;
233 };
234 let circumfix = (f, signal) => (x) => {
235 var a = f(x);
236 if (a._tag == "Some") {
237 console.log("$$$" + repr(a.value.ast));
238 let inner = a.value.ast[a.value.ast.length - 2];
239 var ast_middle;
240 // the list should not be (%list) (%apply) (%lambda) etc.
241 if (Array.isArray(inner)) {
242 if ('text' in inner[0] && (inner[0].text.slice(0, 1) != "%")) {
243 ast_middle = inner;
244 }
245 else {
246 ast_middle = [inner];
247 }
248 }
249 else {
250 ast_middle = [inner];
251 }
252 let new_ast = [ast_middle];
253 a.value.ast = new_ast;
254 }
255 return a;
256 };
257 /** single1 = tInt | "(" expr ")"*/
258 let single1 = circumfix((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), tLParen), expr), tRParen), "fac1");
259 let single2 = tInt;
260 let single = orDo(single1, single2);
261 /** args = single "," args | single */
262 let args1 = (x) => {
263 var ret = thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), single), tComma), args);
264 if (ret._tag == "Some") {
265 let retLength = ret.value.ast.length;
266 ret.value.ast = [[ret.value.ast[retLength - 3]].concat(ret.value.ast[retLength - 1])];
267 console.log("$$" + repr(ret.value.ast));
268 }
269 return ret;
270 };
271 let args2 = single;
272 let args = orDo(args1, args2);
273 /** callees = "(" args ")" | "(" ")" */
274 let callees1 = circumfix((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), tLParen), args), tRParen), "callees1");
275 let callees2 = (x) => {
276 let ret = thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), tLParen), tRParen);
277 if (ret._tag == "Some") {
278 let new_ast = [[]];
279 ret.value.ast = new_ast;
280 }
281 return ret;
282 };
283 let callees = orDo(callees1, callees2);
284 /** %apply R combinating token */
285 let applyToken = {
286 text: "%apply",
287 type: tk.TokenType.ID,
288 col: 0,
289 ln: 0,
290 };
291 /** facAux = callees facAux | callees */
292 let facAux1 = (x) => {
293 var ret = thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), callees), facAux);
294 if (ret._tag == "Some") {
295 console.log("1232345" + repr(tkTreeToSExp(ret.value.ast[ret.value.ast.length - 1])));
296 let last1 = ret.value.ast[ret.value.ast.length - 1];
297 let last2 = ret.value.ast[ret.value.ast.length - 2];
298 let b = [applyToken];
299 ret.value.ast = [b.concat([last2, last1])];
300 console.log("11111" + repr(tkTreeToSExp(ret.value.ast)));
301 }
302 ;
303 return ret;
304 };
305 let facAux2 = callees;
306 let facAux = orDo(facAux1, facAux2);
307 /** fac = single facAux | single
308 * Issue1 to be fixed.
309 */
310 let fac1 = (x) => {
311 var ret = thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), single), facAux);
312 if (ret._tag == "Some") {
313 console.log("777" + repr(tkTreeToSExp(ret.value.ast)));
314 ret.value.ast = [applyToken, ret.value.ast[ret.value.ast.length - 2],
315 ret.value.ast[ret.value.ast.length - 1]];
316 ret.value.ast;
317 rearrangeTree(ret.value.ast);
318 console.log("888" + repr(tkTreeToSExp(ret.value.ast)));
319 }
320 return ret;
321 };
322 let fac2 = single;
323 let fac = orDo(fac1, fac2);
324 /**
325 * rearrangeTree : for applyToken subtree from right-combination to
326 * left-combination
327 * @input x a ast
328 * @return another ast
329 */
330 function rearrangeTree(x) {
331 if (x !== undefined) {
332 for (var i = 1; i < x.length; i++) {
333 rearrangeTree(x[i]);
334 }
335 console.log("@@" + repr(x[0]));
336 if (x[0] == applyToken) {
337 if (Array.isArray(x[2]) && x[2][0] == applyToken) {
338 let rl = rearrangeTree(x[2][1]);
339 let rr = rearrangeTree(x[2][2]);
340 let l = rearrangeTree(x[1]);
341 x[0] = applyToken;
342 x[1] = [applyToken, l, rl];
343 x[2] = rr;
344 console.log("@@==" + repr(x));
345 return x;
346 }
347 else {
348 x[0] = applyToken;
349 x[1] = rearrangeTree(x[1]);
350 x[2] = rearrangeTree(x[2]);
351 console.log("@@==" + repr(x));
352 return x;
353 }
354 }
355 return x;
356 }
357 }
358 /**
359 *
360 * term1 = fac (MUL | DIV) fac
361 */
362 let term1 = midfix((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), fac), orDo(tMul, tDiv)), fac), "term1");
363 /**
364 *
365 * term2 = int MUL int
366 */
367 let term2 = fac;
368 /**
369 * term = term1 | term2
370 */
371 let term = orDo(term1, term2);
372 /**
373 *
374 * expr1 = term ADD term
375 */
376 let expr1 = midfix((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), term), orDo(tAdd, tSub)), term), "expr1");
377 /**
378 * expr2 = term
379 */
380 let expr2 = term;
381 /**
382 * expr = expr1 | expr2
383 */
384 let expr = orDo(expr1, expr2);
385 let tokens = tk.tokenize("1");
386 let tokens2 = tk.tokenize("1(2)");
387 let tokens3 = tk.tokenize("1(2)(3)");
388 let tokens4 = tk.tokenize("2()(4)(5,6)(7,8,9,10)");
389 //let tokens = tk.tokenize("(4-(3/4))");
390 //tk.tokenize(argv[2]);
391 let tokensFiltered = tokens4.filter((x) => {
392 return (x.type != tk.TokenType.NL
393 && x.type != tk.TokenType.SP);
394 });
395 let beta = expr({
396 matched: [],
397 remained: tokensFiltered,
398 ast: []
399 });
400 if (beta._tag == "Some") {
401 beta.value.ast = rearrangeTree(beta.value.ast);
402 console.log(tkTreeToSExp(beta.value.ast));
403 }
404 console.log("RESULT=" + repr(beta));