]> git.kianting.info Git - clo/blob - src/index.js
[clo] / src / index.js
1 "use strict";
2 var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
5 if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
6 desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
7 }
8 Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
9 }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
10 if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
11 o[k2] = m[k];
12 }));
13 var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
14 Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
15 }) : function(o, v) {
16 o["default"] = v;
17 });
18 var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
19 if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
20 var result = {};
21 if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
22 __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
23 return result;
24 };
25 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
26 exports.tkTreeToSExp = void 0;
27 var fs = require('fs');
28 const util = __importStar(require("util"));
29 const p = __importStar(require("typescript-parsec"));
30 /**
31 *
33 */
34 /**
35 * convert a `tkTree` AST to S-expr string
36 * @param t the `tkTree`
37 * @returns S-expr String
38 */
39 function tkTreeToSExp(t) {
40 var str = "";
41 if (Array.isArray(t)) {
42 let strArray = t.map((x) => tkTreeToSExp(x));
43 str = "(" + strArray.join(" ") + ")";
44 }
45 else {
46 if (t === undefined) {
47 str = "%undefined";
48 }
49 else {
50 str = t;
51 }
52 }
53 return str;
54 }
55 exports.tkTreeToSExp = tkTreeToSExp;
56 /**inspect the inner of the representation. */
57 let repr = (x) => { return util.inspect(x, { depth: null }); };
58 var TokenKind;
59 (function (TokenKind) {
60 TokenKind[TokenKind["Seperator"] = 0] = "Seperator";
61 TokenKind[TokenKind["Semicolon"] = 1] = "Semicolon";
62 TokenKind[TokenKind["Number"] = 2] = "Number";
63 TokenKind[TokenKind["Op"] = 3] = "Op";
64 TokenKind[TokenKind["ExprMark"] = 4] = "ExprMark";
65 TokenKind[TokenKind["ExcapeAt"] = 5] = "ExcapeAt";
66 TokenKind[TokenKind["Paren"] = 6] = "Paren";
67 TokenKind[TokenKind["SpaceNL"] = 7] = "SpaceNL";
68 TokenKind[TokenKind["Id"] = 8] = "Id";
69 TokenKind[TokenKind["Str"] = 9] = "Str";
70 TokenKind[TokenKind["Comment"] = 10] = "Comment";
71 })(TokenKind || (TokenKind = {}));
72 /**
73 * Parsing
74 */
75 const lexer = p.buildLexer([
76 [true, /^\d+(\.\d+)?/g, TokenKind.Number],
77 [true, /^\\\@/g, TokenKind.ExcapeAt],
78 [true, /^\/\*([^/]|\/[^*])*\*\//g, TokenKind.Comment],
79 [true, /^\;/g, TokenKind.Semicolon],
80 [true, /^[-][-][-]/g, TokenKind.Seperator],
81 [true, /^[\+\-\*\/\&\|\!\^\<\>\~\=\?]+/g, TokenKind.Op],
82 [true, /^\@/g, TokenKind.ExprMark],
83 [true, /^[()\[\]{}]/g, TokenKind.Paren],
84 [true, /^["]([\"]|[\\].)*["]/g, TokenKind.Str],
85 [true, /^[']([\']|[\\].)*[']/g, TokenKind.Str],
86 [true, /^[()\[\]{}]/g, TokenKind.Paren],
87 [true, /^[^\/\\\@\s\n\t\r;]+/g, TokenKind.Id],
88 [true, /^(\s|\n|\r|\t)+/g, TokenKind.SpaceNL],
89 ]);
90 /**
91 *
92 * # TEST
93 */
94 const inputTxt = `import a as b; /*bacourt*/
95 /* ba choir
96 ipsum lorem*/
98 import you as john;
99 ---
101 臺中市\\\@
103 政府
104 @2+2==4;
106 console.log("122");@
108 人民
109 `;
110 const PROG = p.rule();
111 const SEGMENT = p.rule();
112 const IMPORT = p.rule();
113 const IMPORTS = p.rule();
114 const SEMICOLON = p.rule();
115 const EXCAPE_AT = p.rule();
116 const NOT_AT_TEXT = p.rule();
117 const CONTENT = p.rule();
118 let doubleMinus = { type: 'Punctuator', value: '--' };
119 let doubleMinus2 = p.str('--');
120 const TERM = p.rule();
121 function applySegment(input) {
122 let unpackedInnerExprs = input[1].map((x) => { return x.text; });
123 return ["%exprs", unpackedInnerExprs];
124 }
125 function applySemiColon(value) {
126 return value.text;
127 }
128 function applyParts(first, second) {
129 return ["%clo", first, second[1]];
130 }
131 function applyComment(value) {
132 return [value.text];
133 }
134 function applyImport(input) {
135 let importTail = input[1].map(x => x.text);
136 return ["import"].concat(importTail);
137 }
138 ;
139 /*
140 function applyImportComment(input: [Token<TokenKind>,Token<TokenKind>[],
141 tkTree, Token<TokenKind.Comment>]) : tkTree{
142 let importTail = input[1].map(x=>x.text);
143 let comment = [input[3].text];
144 return ["import"].concat(importTail).concat(comment);
145 };*/
146 function applyImports(input) {
147 let resultBody = [input[0]].concat(input[1]);
148 let resultWrapper = ["%import", resultBody];
149 return resultWrapper;
150 }
151 ;
152 function applyNotAtText(value) {
153 if (value.text == "\\\@") {
154 return '@';
155 }
156 else {
157 return value.text;
158 }
159 }
160 ;
161 function applyText(input) {
162 return ["%text", input];
163 }
164 ;
165 function applyContent(input) {
166 return ["%content", input];
167 }
168 ;
169 function applySpaceNL(value) {
170 return value.text;
171 }
172 /**
173 * IMPORTEE: Number, Op, Paren, Id, Str, Comment,
174 */
175 let IMPORTEE = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Number), p.tok(TokenKind.Op), p.tok(TokenKind.Paren), p.tok(TokenKind.Id), p.tok(TokenKind.Str), p.tok(TokenKind.SpaceNL), p.tok(TokenKind.Comment));
176 let NOT_AT = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Seperator), p.tok(TokenKind.Semicolon), p.tok(TokenKind.Number), p.tok(TokenKind.ExcapeAt), p.tok(TokenKind.Op), p.tok(TokenKind.Paren), p.tok(TokenKind.SpaceNL), p.tok(TokenKind.Id), p.tok(TokenKind.Str), p.tok(TokenKind.Comment));
177 /**
179 */
180 PROG.setPattern(p.lrec_sc(IMPORTS, p.seq(p.str('---'), CONTENT), applyParts));
181 /**
183 */
184 NOT_AT_TEXT.setPattern(p.apply(NOT_AT, applyNotAtText));
185 IMPORTS.setPattern(p.apply(p.seq(IMPORT, p.rep(IMPORT)), applyImports));
186 /**
187 * IMPORT :
188 * 'import' IMPORTEE* SEMICOLON |
189 * COMMENT |
190 */
191 IMPORT.setPattern(p.alt(p.apply(p.seq(p.str('import'), p.rep_sc(IMPORTEE), SEMICOLON), applyImport), p.apply(p.tok(TokenKind.Comment), applyComment), p.apply(p.tok(TokenKind.SpaceNL), applySpaceNL)));
192 /**
193 * SEMICOLON : ';';
194 */
195 SEMICOLON.setPattern(p.apply(p.tok(TokenKind.Semicolon), applySemiColon));
196 /**
197 * SEGMENT : '@' NOT_AT* '@' |
199 */
200 SEGMENT.setPattern(p.alt(p.apply(p.rep_sc(NOT_AT_TEXT), applyText), p.apply(p.seq(p.str('@'), p.rep(NOT_AT), p.str('@')), applySegment)));
201 /**
203 */
204 CONTENT.setPattern(p.apply(p.rep(SEGMENT), applyContent));
205 console.log(repr(lexer.parse(inputTxt)));
206 let tree = p.expectSingleResult(p.expectEOF(PROG.parse(lexer.parse(inputTxt))));
207 console.log("RESULT=" + tkTreeToSExp(tree));