- 20230904 建立 thenDo、matchRange的函數、refactor harfbuzzjs 以及libpdf 等測試界面
- 20230905-06: 建立 : `toSome`, initial of basic tokenizer (`tokenize`),
`matchAny`, `notDo`, `orDo`, `zeroOrMoreDo`, `zeroOrOnceDo`
+ - 20230905-07:強化`tokenize`, 加強功能,加`Token`界面。
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.tokenize = exports.zeroOrOnceDo = exports.notDo = exports.zeroOrMoreDo = exports.orDo = exports.thenDo = exports.charToCodepoint = exports.matchRange = exports.matchAny = exports.match1Char = void 0;
+exports.tokenize = exports.zeroOrOnceDo = exports.notDo = exports.zeroOrMoreDo = exports.orDo = exports.thenDo = exports.charToCodepoint = exports.matchRange = exports.matchAny = exports.match1Char = exports.TokenType = void 0;
var fs = require('fs');
* wrap a x in a `Some(T)`
function toSome(x) {
return { _tag: "Some", value: x };
+ * The types of Token
+ * NL, // newline
+ *
+ * SP, // half-width space and tab
+ *
+ * ID, // identifier
+ *
+ * STR, // string
+ *
+ * OP, // operator or something like it
+ *
+ * FLO, // float num
+ *
+ * INT, // Integer
+ */
+var TokenType;
+(function (TokenType) {
+ TokenType[TokenType["NL"] = 0] = "NL";
+ TokenType[TokenType["SP"] = 1] = "SP";
+ TokenType[TokenType["ID"] = 2] = "ID";
+ TokenType[TokenType["STR"] = 3] = "STR";
+ TokenType[TokenType["OP"] = 4] = "OP";
+ TokenType[TokenType["FLO"] = 5] = "FLO";
+ TokenType[TokenType["INT"] = 6] = "INT";
+})(TokenType || (exports.TokenType = TokenType = {}));
* @description
* it returns a function which test if the first char of the `remained` part of
function tokenize(input) {
var input_matchee_pair = toSome({ matched: "",
remained: input });
- // integer = ([+]|[-])\d\d?
+ // integer = ([+]|[-])?\d\d*
let integer = (x) => {
let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-')); // ([+]|[-])
let d = matchRange('0', '9'); // \d
- return thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d));
+ var result = thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d));
+ if (result._tag == "Some") {
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.INT;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ let space = (x) => {
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
+ var result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux));
+ if (result._tag == "Some") {
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.SP;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ let newline = (x) => {
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ // nl = \r?\n
+ let result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))), match1Char('\n'));
+ if (result._tag == "Some") {
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.NL;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ let term = (token_list, x) => {
+ var ln = 1;
+ var col = 0;
+ var old_x = x;
+ let term_list = [newline, space, integer];
+ let term_aux = term_list.reduce((x, y) => orDo(x, y));
+ var new_x = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);
+ while (new_x._tag != "None") {
+ if (new_x.value.matched_type != TokenType.NL) {
+ col += new_x.value.matched.length;
+ token_list.push({ text: new_x.value.matched,
+ type: new_x.value.matched_type,
+ ln: ln,
+ col: col });
+ }
+ else {
+ col = 0;
+ ln += 1;
+ token_list.push({ text: new_x.value.matched,
+ type: new_x.value.matched_type,
+ ln: ln,
+ col: col });
+ }
+ old_x = toSome({ matched: "",
+ remained: new_x.value.remained });
+ new_x = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);
+ }
+ if (old_x.value.remained.length) {
+ console.log(token_list);
+ throw new Error("the code can't be tokenized is near Ln. " + ln + ", Col." + col
+ + ", starting with " + old_x.value.remained.substring(0, 10));
+ }
+ return token_list;
- console.log(input + ", result: ");
- console.log(thenDo(input_matchee_pair, integer));
+ console.log(term([], input_matchee_pair));
// TODO: id, string, space, basic operator, 3 marks: @, {, }.
exports.tokenize = tokenize;
-tokenize(" 123");
* @description
* the pair of the string to be matched later and the string that have been matched
+ * @var matched : have been matched
+ * @var remained : will be tested whether it'll be matched.
+ * @var matched_type (optional): the type of the matched string
export interface MatcheePair {
- /** have been matched */
matched : string
- /** will be tested whether it'll be matched. */
remained : string
+ matched_type?: TokenType
+ * The types of Token
+ * NL, // newline
+ *
+ * SP, // half-width space and tab
+ *
+ * ID, // identifier
+ *
+ * STR, // string
+ *
+ * OP, // operator or something like it
+ *
+ * FLO, // float num
+ *
+ * INT, // Integer
+ */
+export enum TokenType{
+ NL, // newlinw
+ SP, // half-width space and tab
+ ID, // identifier
+ STR, // string
+ OP, // operator
+ FLO, // float num
+ INT, // integer
+ * tokenized token.
+ * @var text : the content text
+ * @var type (optional): the type of the token
+ * @var col : the column number
+ * @var ln : the line number
+ */
+export interface Token{
+ text: string,
+ type?: TokenType,
+ col: number,
+ ln: number,
{ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-')); // ([+]|[-])
let d = matchRange('0','9'); // \d
- return thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x,
+ var result = thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x,
+ if (result._tag == "Some"){
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.INT;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ let space = (x : MatcheePair) =>{
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
+ var result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux));
+ if (result._tag == "Some"){
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.SP;
+ }
+ return result;
- console.log(input+", result: ");
- console.log(thenDo(input_matchee_pair, integer));
+ let newline = (x : MatcheePair) =>{
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ // nl = \r?\n
+ let result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x,
+ zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))), match1Char('\n'));
+ if (result._tag == "Some"){
+ result.value.matched_type = TokenType.NL;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ let term = (token_list : Array<Token>, x : Some<MatcheePair>)=>{
+ var ln = 1;
+ var col = 0;
+ var old_x = x;
+ let term_list = [newline, space, integer];
+ let term_aux = term_list.reduce((x,y)=> orDo(x,y));
+ var new_x : Maybe<MatcheePair> = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);
+ while (new_x._tag != "None"){
+ if (new_x.value.matched_type != TokenType.NL){
+ col += new_x.value.matched.length;
+ token_list.push({text : new_x.value.matched,
+ type: new_x.value.matched_type,
+ ln : ln,
+ col : col});
+ }
+ else{
+ col = 0;
+ ln += 1;
+ token_list.push({text : new_x.value.matched,
+ type: new_x.value.matched_type,
+ ln : ln,
+ col : col});
+ }
+ old_x = toSome({matched : "",
+ remained : new_x.value.remained});
+ new_x = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);
+ }
+ if (old_x.value.remained.length){
+ console.log(token_list);
+ throw new Error("the code can't be tokenized is near Ln. "+ln+", Col."+col
+ +", starting with "+ old_x.value.remained.substring(0,10));
+ }
+ return token_list;
+ }
+ console.log(term([], input_matchee_pair));
// TODO: id, string, space, basic operator, 3 marks: @, {, }.
-tokenize(" 123");
assert(doTestRes9._tag == "Some");
assert(doTestRes9.value.matched == "妳");
assert(doTestRes9.value.remained == "的");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)("+123");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)("123");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)("-123");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" 123");
+try {
+ (0, src_1.tokenize)("c123");
+catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" ");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" ");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" \t");
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" \t123");
+try {
+ (0, src_1.tokenize)(" \t123aaa456");
+catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+(0, src_1.tokenize)(" \t123\n456");
// harfbuzz test
let harfbuzz = require("../src/harfbuzz.js");
-import { matchAny } from "../src";
+import { matchAny, tokenize } from "../src";
let assert = require("assert");
let cloMain = require("../src");
assert(doTestRes9.value.matched == "妳");
assert(doTestRes9.value.remained == "的");
+tokenize(" 123");
+try {
+ tokenize("c123");
+} catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+tokenize(" ");
+tokenize(" ");
+tokenize(" \t");
+tokenize(" \t123");
+try {
+ tokenize(" \t123aaa456");
+} catch (error) {
+ console.log(error);
+tokenize(" \t123\n456");
// harfbuzz test
let harfbuzz = require("../src/harfbuzz.js");