* FLO, // float num
- * INT, // Integer
+ * INT, // integer
+ *
+ * I_* // integer manipulation
+ *
+ * F_* // float manipulation
+ *
+ * SEMI_C// semi-colon
var TokenType;
(function (TokenType) {
TokenType[TokenType["SP"] = 1] = "SP";
TokenType[TokenType["ID"] = 2] = "ID";
TokenType[TokenType["STR"] = 3] = "STR";
- TokenType[TokenType["OP"] = 4] = "OP";
- TokenType[TokenType["FLO"] = 5] = "FLO";
- TokenType[TokenType["INT"] = 6] = "INT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["FLO"] = 4] = "FLO";
+ TokenType[TokenType["INT"] = 5] = "INT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["F_ADD"] = 6] = "F_ADD";
+ TokenType[TokenType["F_SUB"] = 7] = "F_SUB";
+ TokenType[TokenType["F_MUL"] = 8] = "F_MUL";
+ TokenType[TokenType["F_DIV"] = 9] = "F_DIV";
+ TokenType[TokenType["I_ADD"] = 10] = "I_ADD";
+ TokenType[TokenType["I_SUB"] = 11] = "I_SUB";
+ TokenType[TokenType["I_MUL"] = 12] = "I_MUL";
+ TokenType[TokenType["I_DIV"] = 13] = "I_DIV";
+ TokenType[TokenType["L_PAREN"] = 14] = "L_PAREN";
+ TokenType[TokenType["R_PAREN"] = 15] = "R_PAREN";
+ TokenType[TokenType["L_BRACK"] = 16] = "L_BRACK";
+ TokenType[TokenType["R_BRACK"] = 17] = "R_BRACK";
+ TokenType[TokenType["L_BRACE"] = 18] = "L_BRACE";
+ TokenType[TokenType["R_BRACE"] = 19] = "R_BRACE";
+ TokenType[TokenType["COMMA"] = 20] = "COMMA";
+ TokenType[TokenType["DOT"] = 21] = "DOT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["COLON"] = 22] = "COLON";
+ TokenType[TokenType["SEMI_C"] = 23] = "SEMI_C";
+ TokenType[TokenType["AT"] = 24] = "AT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["HASH"] = 25] = "HASH";
+ TokenType[TokenType["EQ"] = 26] = "EQ";
+ TokenType[TokenType["SET"] = 27] = "SET";
+ TokenType[TokenType["GT"] = 28] = "GT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["LT"] = 29] = "LT";
+ TokenType[TokenType["GE"] = 30] = "GE";
+ TokenType[TokenType["LE"] = 31] = "LE";
+ TokenType[TokenType["R_ARROW"] = 32] = "R_ARROW";
})(TokenType || (exports.TokenType = TokenType = {}));
* @description
function tokenize(input) {
var input_matchee_pair = toSome({ matched: "",
remained: input });
+ /**
+ * generate a parser of a basic term (b_term)
+ * @param pattern : the pattern parser
+ * @param token_type : the returning token type
+ * @returns a wrapped parser.
+ */
+ function bTerm(pattern, token_type) {
+ return (x) => {
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ let result = pattern(wrapped_x);
+ if (result._tag == "Some") {
+ result.value.matched_type = token_type;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ }
+ let d = matchRange('0', '9'); // \d
+ // [+-]
+ let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-'));
+ let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
// integer = ([+]|[-])?\d\d*
- let integer = (x) => {
- let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-')); // ([+]|[-])
- let d = matchRange('0', '9'); // \d
- var result = thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d));
- if (result._tag == "Some") {
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.INT;
- }
- return result;
- };
- let space = (x) => {
- let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
- var result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux));
- if (result._tag == "Some") {
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.SP;
- }
- return result;
- };
- let newline = (x) => {
- let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- // nl = \r?\n
- let result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))), match1Char('\n'));
- if (result._tag == "Some") {
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.NL;
- }
- return result;
- };
+ let integer = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d)), TokenType.INT);
+ // space = [ \t]+
+ let space = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux)), TokenType.INT);
+ // newline = \r?\n
+ let newline = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))), match1Char('\n')), TokenType.NL);
+ // [_A-Za-z]
+ let idHead = orDo(orDo(matchRange('a', 'z'), matchRange('A', 'Z')), match1Char('_'));
+ let idRemained = orDo(idHead, matchRange('0', '9')); // [_A-Za-z0-9]
+ // id = [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*
+ let id = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, idHead), zeroOrMoreDo(idRemained)), TokenType.ID);
+ let doublequote = match1Char("\"");
+ // [\\][\"]
+ let escapeReverseSlash = (x) => thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), match1Char("\\")), doublequote);
+ // ([\\]["]|[^\"])*
+ let stringInnerPattern = zeroOrMoreDo(orDo(escapeReverseSlash, notDo(match1Char("\""))));
+ // str = ["]([\\]["]|[^"])*["]
+ let str = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x, doublequote), stringInnerPattern), doublequote), TokenType.STR);
+ // float = [+-]?\d+[.]\d+
+ function floatPattern(x) {
+ return thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x, zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d)), match1Char(".")), d), zeroOrMoreDo(d));
+ }
+ ;
+ let float = bTerm(floatPattern, TokenType.FLO);
+ // operators
+ // +.
+ let floatAdd = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("+")), match1Char(".")), TokenType.F_ADD);
+ // +.
+ let floatSub = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("-")), match1Char(".")), TokenType.F_SUB);
+ // *.
+ let floatMul = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("*")), match1Char(".")), TokenType.F_MUL);
+ // /.
+ let floatDiv = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("/")), match1Char(".")), TokenType.F_DIV);
+ // ==
+ let eq = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("=")), match1Char("=")), TokenType.EQ);
+ // >=
+ let ge = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char(">")), match1Char("=")), TokenType.GE);
+ // <=
+ let le = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("<")), match1Char("=")), TokenType.LE);
+ // ->
+ let rightArrow = bTerm((x) => thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("-")), match1Char(">")), TokenType.R_ARROW);
+ /**
+ * unary operator : generating the pattern of basic unary operator
+ * @param char : uniry char for the operator
+ * @param token_type : the corresponding token_type
+ */
+ function unaryOp(char, token_type) {
+ return bTerm((x) => thenDo(x, match1Char(char)), token_type);
+ }
+ ;
+ let intAdd = unaryOp('+', TokenType.I_ADD);
+ let intSub = unaryOp('-', TokenType.I_SUB);
+ let intMul = unaryOp('*', TokenType.I_MUL);
+ let intDiv = unaryOp('/', TokenType.I_DIV);
+ let lParen = unaryOp('(', TokenType.L_PAREN);
+ let rParen = unaryOp(')', TokenType.R_PAREN);
+ let lBracket = unaryOp('[', TokenType.L_BRACK);
+ let rBracket = unaryOp(']', TokenType.R_BRACK);
+ let lBrace = unaryOp('{', TokenType.L_BRACE);
+ let rBrace = unaryOp('}', TokenType.R_BRACE);
+ let comma = unaryOp(',', TokenType.COMMA);
+ let dot = unaryOp('.', TokenType.DOT);
+ let colon = unaryOp(':', TokenType.COLON);
+ let semicolon = unaryOp(';', TokenType.SEMI_C);
+ let at = unaryOp('@', TokenType.AT);
+ let hash = unaryOp('#', TokenType.HASH);
+ let set = unaryOp('=', TokenType.SET);
+ let greaterthan = unaryOp('>', TokenType.GT);
+ let lessthan = unaryOp('<', TokenType.LE);
let term = (token_list, x) => {
var ln = 1;
var col = 0;
var old_x = x;
- let term_list = [newline, space, integer];
+ let term_list = [float, newline, space, integer, str, id,
+ floatAdd, floatSub, floatMul, floatDiv,
+ intAdd, intSub, intMul, intDiv,
+ eq, ge, le, rightArrow,
+ lParen, rParen, lBracket, rBracket, lBrace, rBrace,
+ comma, dot, colon, semicolon, at, hash,
+ set, greaterthan, lessthan];
let term_aux = term_list.reduce((x, y) => orDo(x, y));
var new_x = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);
while (new_x._tag != "None") {
+import { match } from "assert";
var fs = require('fs');
export type Some<T> = { _tag: "Some"; value: T };
* FLO, // float num
- * INT, // Integer
+ * INT, // integer
+ *
+ * I_* // integer manipulation
+ *
+ * F_* // float manipulation
+ *
+ * SEMI_C// semi-colon
export enum TokenType{
NL, // newlinw
SP, // half-width space and tab
ID, // identifier
STR, // string
- OP, // operator
FLO, // float num
INT, // integer
+ F_ADD,
+ F_SUB,
+ F_MUL,
+ F_DIV,
+ I_ADD,
+ I_SUB,
+ I_MUL,
+ I_DIV,
+ L_PAREN, // (
+ R_PAREN, // )
+ L_BRACK, // [
+ R_BRACK, // ]
+ L_BRACE, // {
+ R_BRACE, // }
+ COMMA, // ,
+ DOT, // .
+ COLON, // :
+ SEMI_C, // ;
+ AT, // @
+ HASH, // #
+ EQ, // ==
+ SET, // =
+ GT, // > greater than
+ LT, // <less than
+ GE, // >=
+ LE, // <=
+ R_ARROW, // ->
remained: input});
- // integer = ([+]|[-])?\d\d*
- let integer = (x : MatcheePair) =>
- { let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-')); // ([+]|[-])
- let d = matchRange('0','9'); // \d
- var result = thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x,
- zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)),d),
- zeroOrMoreDo(d));
- if (result._tag == "Some"){
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.INT;
- }
- return result;
- }
- let space = (x : MatcheePair) =>{
- let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
- var result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux));
- if (result._tag == "Some"){
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.SP;
- }
- return result;
- }
- let newline = (x : MatcheePair) =>{
- let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
- // nl = \r?\n
- let result = thenDo(thenDo(wrapped_x,
- zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))), match1Char('\n'));
- if (result._tag == "Some"){
- result.value.matched_type = TokenType.NL;
+ /**
+ * generate a parser of a basic term (b_term)
+ * @param pattern : the pattern parser
+ * @param token_type : the returning token type
+ * @returns a wrapped parser.
+ */
+ function bTerm(pattern : Function, token_type : TokenType){
+ return (x : MatcheePair) =>{
+ let wrapped_x = toSome(x);
+ let result = pattern(wrapped_x);
+ if (result._tag == "Some") {
+ result.value.matched_type = token_type;
+ }
+ return result;
- return result;
+ let d = matchRange('0','9'); // \d
+ // [+-]
+ let plusMinus = orDo(match1Char('+'), match1Char('-'));
+ let s_aux = orDo(match1Char(' '), match1Char('\t')); // (" " | "\t")
+ // integer = ([+]|[-])?\d\d*
+ let integer = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x,
+ zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)),d),
+ zeroOrMoreDo(d)),
+ TokenType.INT);
+ // space = [ \t]+
+ let space = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, s_aux), zeroOrMoreDo(s_aux)),
+ TokenType.INT);
+ // newline = \r?\n
+ let newline = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x,
+ zeroOrOnceDo(match1Char('\r'))),
+ match1Char('\n')),
+ TokenType.NL);
+ // [_A-Za-z]
+ let idHead = orDo(orDo(matchRange('a','z'),matchRange('A','Z')), match1Char('_'));
+ let idRemained = orDo(idHead, matchRange('0','9')); // [_A-Za-z0-9]
+ // id = [_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*
+ let id = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x,
+ idHead),
+ zeroOrMoreDo(idRemained)),
+ TokenType.ID);
+ let doublequote = match1Char("\"");
+ // [\\][\"]
+ let escapeReverseSlash = (x:MatcheePair)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(toSome(x), match1Char("\\")), doublequote);
+ // ([\\]["]|[^\"])*
+ let stringInnerPattern = zeroOrMoreDo(
+ orDo(escapeReverseSlash, notDo(match1Char("\""))));
+ // str = ["]([\\]["]|[^"])*["]
+ let str = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x,doublequote),
+ stringInnerPattern),doublequote),
+ TokenType.STR);
+ // float = [+-]?\d+[.]\d+
+ function floatPattern(x : Maybe<MatcheePair>){
+ return thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(thenDo(x,
+ zeroOrOnceDo(plusMinus)),d),
+ zeroOrMoreDo(d)),
+ match1Char(".")),d),
+ zeroOrMoreDo(d))};
+ let float = bTerm(floatPattern, TokenType.FLO);
+ // operators
+ // +.
+ let floatAdd = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("+")),match1Char(".")),
+ TokenType.F_ADD);
+ // +.
+ let floatSub = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("-")),match1Char(".")),
+ TokenType.F_SUB);
+ // *.
+ let floatMul = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("*")),match1Char(".")),
+ TokenType.F_MUL);
+ // /.
+ let floatDiv = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("/")),match1Char(".")),
+ TokenType.F_DIV);
+ // ==
+ let eq = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("=")),match1Char("=")),
+ TokenType.EQ);
+ // >=
+ let ge = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char(">")),match1Char("=")),
+ TokenType.GE);
+ // <=
+ let le = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("<")),match1Char("=")),
+ TokenType.LE);
+ // ->
+ let rightArrow = bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>
+ thenDo(thenDo(x, match1Char("-")),match1Char(">")),
+ TokenType.R_ARROW);
+ /**
+ * unary operator : generating the pattern of basic unary operator
+ * @param char : uniry char for the operator
+ * @param token_type : the corresponding token_type
+ */
+ function unaryOp(char: string, token_type: TokenType) {
+ return bTerm((x : Maybe<MatcheePair>)=>thenDo(x, match1Char(char)),
+ token_type);};
+ let intAdd = unaryOp('+', TokenType.I_ADD);
+ let intSub = unaryOp('-', TokenType.I_SUB);
+ let intMul = unaryOp('*', TokenType.I_MUL);
+ let intDiv = unaryOp('/', TokenType.I_DIV);
+ let lParen = unaryOp('(', TokenType.L_PAREN);
+ let rParen = unaryOp(')', TokenType.R_PAREN);
+ let lBracket = unaryOp('[', TokenType.L_BRACK);
+ let rBracket = unaryOp(']', TokenType.R_BRACK);
+ let lBrace = unaryOp('{', TokenType.L_BRACE);
+ let rBrace = unaryOp('}', TokenType.R_BRACE);
+ let comma = unaryOp(',', TokenType.COMMA);
+ let dot = unaryOp('.', TokenType.DOT);
+ let colon = unaryOp(':', TokenType.COLON);
+ let semicolon = unaryOp(';', TokenType.SEMI_C);
+ let at = unaryOp('@', TokenType.AT);
+ let hash = unaryOp('#', TokenType.HASH);
+ let set = unaryOp('=', TokenType.SET);
+ let greaterthan = unaryOp('>', TokenType.GT);
+ let lessthan = unaryOp('<', TokenType.LE);
let term = (token_list : Array<Token>, x : Some<MatcheePair>)=>{
var ln = 1;
var col = 0;
var old_x = x;
- let term_list = [newline, space, integer];
+ let term_list = [float, newline, space, integer,str, id,
+ floatAdd, floatSub, floatMul, floatDiv,
+ intAdd, intSub, intMul, intDiv,
+ eq, ge, le, rightArrow,
+ lParen, rParen, lBracket, rBracket, lBrace, rBrace,
+ comma, dot, colon, semicolon, at, hash,
+ set,greaterthan, lessthan];
let term_aux = term_list.reduce((x,y)=> orDo(x,y));
var new_x : Maybe<MatcheePair> = thenDo(old_x, term_aux);