From: Tan Kian-ting Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2023 18:18:29 +0000 (+0800) Subject: english breakline, and generate try to count the text size X-Git-Url:;ds=sidebyside;h=c3dc58d74afa6b298d84bad90d63c027a32a954a;p=clo english breakline, and generate try to count the text size --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index ede7000..68ef560 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ node_modules /src/*.js /tests/*.js .vscode \ No newline at end of file +docs/.nojekyll diff --git a/ b/ index 46dfc11..3a17a56 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ # clo -another personal draught of a typesetting language and engine. -website: -License: MIT + - another personal draught of a typesetting language and engine. + - website: + - license: MIT + - issue tracking mailing list: `` ## changing journal - 20230904 建立 thenDo、matchRange的函數、refactor harfbuzzjs 以及libpdf 等測試界面 @@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ License: MIT - 20231023-24:fix .ttc bug. - 20231026-27 : clo basic interface, preprocessor of stream of text, add cjk-english splitter, etc. + - 20231029: hyphenating for english. ## 之後的做法 - 先做一個前處理註冊器,註冊下列的前處理 @@ -43,15 +45,20 @@ License: MIT - 然後算出每個Box的x, y, page - 最後納入排版 -## 排版語法: +## 排版語法 使用lisp表示,但其實是陣列 ```lisp (hglue 寬度 伸展值) (vglue 高度 伸展值) - (breakpoint 原始模式 斷行模式) + (bp 原始模式 斷行模式) ; breakpoint + (nl) ; newline (em 數字) (ex 數字) (span {"font-family" : "Noto Sans" , "font-size" : 16 }) (vbox 高度 內容) -``` \ No newline at end of file +``` + +## How to generate documents + - `typedoc /path/to/index.js [/path/to/index2.js ...]` +the generated page will be stored in `/src`. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/b.clo b/b.clo index 73bb578..dc50abc 100644 --- a/b.clo +++ b/b.clo @@ -1,4 +1,12 @@ --- -many臺中daylight +The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. -aaa collee \ No newline at end of file +Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon; And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; And Jesse begat David the king; + +and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias; And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias; And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon: And after they were brought to Babylon, Jechonias begat Salathiel; and Salathiel begat Zorobabel; And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and Abiud begat Eliakim; and Eliakim begat Azor; And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc begat Achim; and Achim begat Eliud; And Eliud begat Eleazar; and Eleazar begat Matthan; and Matthan begat Jacob; And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. + +So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations. + +Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. + +Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/b.js b/b.js index 9fe1c9f..835339b 100644 --- a/b.js +++ b/b.js @@ -9,10 +9,17 @@ let clo = new cloLib.Clo(); /* CLO: beginning of middle part*/ clo.mainStream = /* CLO: end of middle part*/ -[` -`, `many臺中daylight`, ` +[`The`, ` `, `book`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `generation`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Jesus`, ` `, `Christ,`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `son`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `David,`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `son`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Abraham.`, ` -`, `aaa`, ` `, `collee`]; +`, `Abraham`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Isaac`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Isaac`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Jacob`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Jacob`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Judas`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `brethren`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Judas`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Phares`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Zara`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Thamar`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Phares`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Esrom`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Esrom`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Aram`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Aram`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Aminadab`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Aminadab`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Naasson`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Naasson`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Salmon`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Salmon`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Booz`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Rachab`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Booz`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Obed`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Ruth`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Obed`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Jesse`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Jesse`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `David`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `king`, `;`, ` + +`, `and`, ` `, `David`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `king`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Solomon`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `that`, ` `, `had`, ` `, `been`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `wife`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Urias`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Solomon`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Roboam`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Roboam`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Abia`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Abia`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Asa`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Asa`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Josaphat`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Josaphat`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Joram`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Joram`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Ozias`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Ozias`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Joatham`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Joatham`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Achaz`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Achaz`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Ezekias`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Ezekias`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Manasses`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Manasses`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Amon`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Amon`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Josias`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Josias`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Jechonias`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `brethren,`, ` `, `about`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `time`, ` `, `they`, ` `, `were`, ` `, `carried`, ` `, `away`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `Babylon:`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `after`, ` `, `they`, ` `, `were`, ` `, `brought`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `Babylon,`, ` `, `Jechonias`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Salathiel`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Salathiel`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Zorobabel`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Zorobabel`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Abiud`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Abiud`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Eliakim`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Eliakim`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Azor`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Azor`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Sadoc`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Sadoc`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Achim`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Achim`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Eliud`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Eliud`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Eleazar`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Eleazar`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Matthan`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `Matthan`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Jacob`, `;`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `Jacob`, ` `, `begat`, ` `, `Joseph`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `husband`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Mary,`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `whom`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `born`, ` `, `Jesus,`, ` `, `who`, ` `, `is`, ` `, `called`, ` `, `Christ.`, ` + +`, `So`, ` `, `all`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `generations`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `Abraham`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `David`, ` `, `are`, ` `, `fourteen`, ` `, `generations`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `David`, ` `, `until`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `carrying`, ` `, `away`, ` `, `into`, ` `, `Babylon`, ` `, `are`, ` `, `fourteen`, ` `, `generations`, `;`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `carrying`, ` `, `away`, ` `, `into`, ` `, `Babylon`, ` `, `unto`, ` `, `Christ`, ` `, `are`, ` `, `fourteen`, ` `, `generations.`, ` + +`, `Now`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `birth`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Jesus`, ` `, `Christ`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `on`, ` `, `this`, ` `, `wise:`, ` `, `When`, ` `, `as`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `mother`, ` `, `Mary`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `espoused`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `Joseph,`, ` `, `before`, ` `, `they`, ` `, `came`, ` `, `together,`, ` `, `she`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `found`, ` `, `with`, ` `, `child`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Holy`, ` `, `Ghost.`, ` `, `Then`, ` `, `Joseph`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `husband,`, ` `, `being`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `just`, ` `, `man,`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `not`, ` `, `willing`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `make`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `publick`, ` `, `example,`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `minded`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `put`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `away`, ` `, `privily.`, ` `, `But`, ` `, `while`, ` `, `he`, ` `, `thought`, ` `, `on`, ` `, `these`, ` `, `things,`, ` `, `behold,`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `angel`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Lord`, ` `, `appeared`, ` `, `unto`, ` `, `him`, ` `, `in`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `dream,`, ` `, `saying,`, ` `, `Joseph,`, ` `, `thou`, ` `, `son`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `David,`, ` `, `fear`, ` `, `not`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `take`, ` `, `unto`, ` `, `thee`, ` `, `Mary`, ` `, `thy`, ` `, `wife:`, ` `, `for`, ` `, `that`, ` `, `which`, ` `, `is`, ` `, `conceived`, ` `, `in`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `is`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Holy`, ` `, `Ghost.`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `she`, ` `, `shall`, ` `, `bring`, ` `, `forth`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `son,`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `thou`, ` `, `shalt`, ` `, `call`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `name`, ` `, `JESUS:`, ` `, `for`, ` `, `he`, ` `, `shall`, ` `, `save`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `people`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `their`, ` `, `sins.`, ` `, `Now`, ` `, `all`, ` `, `this`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `done,`, ` `, `that`, ` `, `it`, ` `, `might`, ` `, `be`, ` `, `fulfilled`, ` `, `which`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `spoken`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Lord`, ` `, `by`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `prophet,`, ` `, `saying,`, ` `, `Behold,`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `virgin`, ` `, `shall`, ` `, `be`, ` `, `with`, ` `, `child,`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `shall`, ` `, `bring`, ` `, `forth`, ` `, `a`, ` `, `son,`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `they`, ` `, `shall`, ` `, `call`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `name`, ` `, `Emmanuel,`, ` `, `which`, ` `, `being`, ` `, `interpreted`, ` `, `is,`, ` `, `God`, ` `, `with`, ` `, `us.`, ` + +`, `Then`, ` `, `Joseph`, ` `, `being`, ` `, `raised`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `sleep`, ` `, `did`, ` `, `as`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `angel`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Lord`, ` `, `had`, ` `, `bidden`, ` `, `him,`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `took`, ` `, `unto`, ` `, `him`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `wife:`, ` `, `And`, ` `, `knew`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `not`, ` `, `till`, ` `, `she`, ` `, `had`, ` `, `brought`, ` `, `forth`, ` `, `her`, ` `, `firstborn`, ` `, `son:`, ` `, `and`, ` `, `he`, ` `, `called`, ` `, `his`, ` `, `name`, ` `, `JESUS.`, ` `, `Now`, ` `, `when`, ` `, `Jesus`, ` `, `was`, ` `, `born`, ` `, `in`, ` `, `Bethlehem`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Judaea`, ` `, `in`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `days`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `Herod`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `king,`, ` `, `behold,`, ` `, `there`, ` `, `came`, ` `, `wise`, ` `, `men`, ` `, `from`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `east`, ` `, `to`, ` `, `Jerusalem,`, ` `, `Saying,`, ` `, `Where`, ` `, `is`, ` `, `he`, ` `, `that`, ` `, `is`, ` `, `born`, ` `, `King`, ` `, `of`, ` `, `the`, ` `, `Jews?`, ` `]; /* CLO: beginning of end part*/ clo.generatePdf(); /*CLO : end of end part*/ diff --git a/docs/assets/highlight.css b/docs/assets/highlight.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dac8d73 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/assets/highlight.css @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +:root { + --light-hl-0: #000000; + --dark-hl-0: #C8C8C8; + --light-hl-1: #000000; + --dark-hl-1: #D4D4D4; + --light-hl-2: #001080; + --dark-hl-2: #9CDCFE; + --light-hl-3: #A31515; + 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var(--light-color-ts-property); + --color-ts-method: var(--light-color-ts-method); + --color-ts-call-signature: var(--light-color-ts-call-signature); + --color-ts-index-signature: var(--light-color-ts-index-signature); + --color-ts-constructor-signature: var( + --light-color-ts-constructor-signature + ); + --color-ts-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-parameter); + --color-ts-type-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-type-parameter); + --color-ts-accessor: var(--light-color-ts-accessor); + --color-ts-get-signature: var(--light-color-ts-get-signature); + --color-ts-set-signature: var(--light-color-ts-set-signature); + --color-ts-type-alias: var(--light-color-ts-type-alias); + + --external-icon: var(--light-external-icon); + --color-scheme: var(--light-color-scheme); + } +} + +@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { + :root { + --color-background: var(--dark-color-background); + --color-background-secondary: var(--dark-color-background-secondary); + --color-background-warning: 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--color-ts-call-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-call-signature); + --color-ts-index-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-index-signature); + --color-ts-constructor-signature: var( + --dark-color-ts-constructor-signature + ); + --color-ts-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-parameter); + --color-ts-type-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-type-parameter); + --color-ts-accessor: var(--dark-color-ts-accessor); + --color-ts-get-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-get-signature); + --color-ts-set-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-set-signature); + --color-ts-type-alias: var(--dark-color-ts-type-alias); + + --external-icon: var(--dark-external-icon); + --color-scheme: var(--dark-color-scheme); + } +} + +html { + color-scheme: var(--color-scheme); +} + +body { + margin: 0; +} + +:root[data-theme="light"] { + --color-background: var(--light-color-background); + --color-background-secondary: var(--light-color-background-secondary); + --color-background-warning: var(--light-color-background-warning); + 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var(--light-color-ts-call-signature); + --color-ts-index-signature: var(--light-color-ts-index-signature); + --color-ts-constructor-signature: var( + --light-color-ts-constructor-signature + ); + --color-ts-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-parameter); + --color-ts-type-parameter: var(--light-color-ts-type-parameter); + --color-ts-accessor: var(--light-color-ts-accessor); + --color-ts-get-signature: var(--light-color-ts-get-signature); + --color-ts-set-signature: var(--light-color-ts-set-signature); + --color-ts-type-alias: var(--light-color-ts-type-alias); + + --external-icon: var(--light-external-icon); + --color-scheme: var(--light-color-scheme); +} + +:root[data-theme="dark"] { + --color-background: var(--dark-color-background); + --color-background-secondary: var(--dark-color-background-secondary); + --color-background-warning: var(--dark-color-background-warning); + --color-warning-text: var(--dark-color-warning-text); + --color-icon-background: var(--dark-color-icon-background); + 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var( + --dark-color-ts-constructor-signature + ); + --color-ts-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-parameter); + --color-ts-type-parameter: var(--dark-color-ts-type-parameter); + --color-ts-accessor: var(--dark-color-ts-accessor); + --color-ts-get-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-get-signature); + --color-ts-set-signature: var(--dark-color-ts-set-signature); + --color-ts-type-alias: var(--dark-color-ts-type-alias); + + --external-icon: var(--dark-external-icon); + --color-scheme: var(--dark-color-scheme); +} + +.always-visible, +.always-visible .tsd-signatures { + display: inherit !important; +} + +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + line-height: 1.2; +} + +h1 > a, +h2 > a, +h3 > a, +h4 > a, +h5 > a, +h6 > a { + text-decoration: none; + color: var(--color-text); +} + +h1 { + font-size: 1.875rem; + margin: 0.67rem 0; +} + +h2 { + font-size: 1.5rem; + margin: 0.83rem 0; +} + +h3 { + font-size: 1.25rem; + margin: 1rem 0; +} + +h4 { + font-size: 1.05rem; + margin: 1.33rem 0; +} + +h5 { + font-size: 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var(--color-accent); +} +.tsd-typography thead, +.tsd-typography tr:nth-child(even) { + background-color: var(--color-background-secondary); +} + +.tsd-breadcrumb { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + color: var(--color-text-aside); +} +.tsd-breadcrumb a { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + text-decoration: none; +} +.tsd-breadcrumb a:hover { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.tsd-breadcrumb li { + display: inline; +} +.tsd-breadcrumb li:after { + content: " / "; +} + +.tsd-comment-tags { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; +} +dl.tsd-comment-tag-group { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + overflow: hidden; + margin: 0.5em 0; +} +dl.tsd-comment-tag-group dt { + display: flex; + margin-right: 0.5em; + font-size: 0.875em; + font-weight: normal; +} +dl.tsd-comment-tag-group dd { + margin: 0; +} +code.tsd-tag { + padding: 0.25em 0.4em; + border: 0.1em solid var(--color-accent); + margin-right: 0.25em; + font-size: 70%; +} +h1 code.tsd-tag:first-of-type { + margin-left: 0.25em; +} + 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vertical-align: middle; + margin-right: 0.75rem; +} + +.tsd-hierarchy { + list-style: square; + margin: 0; +} +.tsd-hierarchy .target { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.tsd-panel-group.tsd-index-group { + margin-bottom: 0; +} +.tsd-index-panel .tsd-index-list { + list-style: none; + line-height: 1.333em; + margin: 0; + padding: 0.25rem 0 0 0; + overflow: hidden; + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); + column-gap: 1rem; + grid-template-rows: auto; +} +@media (max-width: 1024px) { + .tsd-index-panel .tsd-index-list { + grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); + } +} +@media (max-width: 768px) { + .tsd-index-panel .tsd-index-list { + grid-template-columns: repeat(1, 1fr); + } +} +.tsd-index-panel .tsd-index-list li { + -webkit-page-break-inside: avoid; + -moz-page-break-inside: avoid; + -ms-page-break-inside: avoid; + -o-page-break-inside: avoid; + page-break-inside: avoid; +} + +.tsd-flag { + display: inline-block; + padding: 0.25em 0.4em; + border-radius: 4px; + color: var(--color-comment-tag-text); + background-color: var(--color-comment-tag); + text-indent: 0; + font-size: 75%; + line-height: 1; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.tsd-anchor { + position: relative; + top: -100px; +} + +.tsd-member { + position: relative; +} +.tsd-member .tsd-anchor + h3 { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + border-bottom: none; +} + +.tsd-navigation.settings { + margin: 1rem 0; +} +.tsd-navigation > a, +.tsd-navigation .tsd-accordion-summary { + width: calc(100% - 0.5rem); +} +.tsd-navigation a, +.tsd-navigation summary > span, +.tsd-page-navigation a { + display: inline-flex; + align-items: center; + padding: 0.25rem; + color: var(--color-text); + text-decoration: none; + box-sizing: border-box; +} +.tsd-navigation a.current, +.tsd-page-navigation a.current { + background: var(--color-active-menu-item); +} +.tsd-navigation a:hover, +.tsd-page-navigation a:hover { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.tsd-navigation ul, 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marker on non-safari */ + outline: none; /* broken on safari, so just hide it */ +} +.tsd-accordion-summary::-webkit-details-marker { + display: none; /* hide marker on safari */ +} +.tsd-accordion-summary, +.tsd-accordion-summary a { + user-select: none; + -moz-user-select: none; + -webkit-user-select: none; + -ms-user-select: none; + + cursor: pointer; +} +.tsd-accordion-summary a { + width: calc(100% - 1.5rem); +} +.tsd-accordion-summary > * { + margin-top: 0; + margin-bottom: 0; + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; +} +.tsd-index-accordion .tsd-accordion-summary > svg { + margin-left: 0.25rem; +} +.tsd-index-content > :not(:first-child) { + margin-top: 0.75rem; +} +.tsd-index-heading { + margin-top: 1.5rem; + margin-bottom: 0.75rem; +} + +.tsd-kind-icon { + margin-right: 0.5rem; + width: 1.25rem; + height: 1.25rem; + min-width: 1.25rem; + min-height: 1.25rem; +} +.tsd-kind-icon path { + transform-origin: center; + transform: scale(1.1); +} +.tsd-signature > .tsd-kind-icon { + margin-right: 0.8rem; +} + +.tsd-panel { + margin-bottom: 2.5rem; +} +.tsd-panel.tsd-member { + margin-bottom: 4rem; +} +.tsd-panel:empty { + display: none; +} +.tsd-panel > h1, +.tsd-panel > h2, +.tsd-panel > h3 { + margin: 1.5rem -1.5rem 0.75rem -1.5rem; + padding: 0 1.5rem 0.75rem 1.5rem; +} +.tsd-panel > h1.tsd-before-signature, +.tsd-panel > h2.tsd-before-signature, +.tsd-panel > h3.tsd-before-signature { + margin-bottom: 0; + border-bottom: none; +} + +.tsd-panel-group { + margin: 4rem 0; +} +.tsd-panel-group.tsd-index-group { + margin: 2rem 0; +} +.tsd-panel-group.tsd-index-group details { + margin: 2rem 0; +} + +#tsd-search { + transition: background-color 0.2s; +} +#tsd-search .title { + position: relative; + z-index: 2; +} +#tsd-search .field { + position: absolute; + left: 0; + top: 0; + right: 2.5rem; + height: 100%; +} +#tsd-search .field input { + box-sizing: border-box; + position: relative; + top: -50px; + z-index: 1; + width: 100%; + padding: 0 10px; + opacity: 0; + outline: 0; + border: 0; + background: transparent; + color: var(--color-text); +} +#tsd-search .field label { + position: absolute; + overflow: hidden; + right: -40px; +} +#tsd-search .field input, +#tsd-search .title, +#tsd-toolbar-links a { + transition: opacity 0.2s; +} +#tsd-search .results { + position: absolute; + visibility: hidden; + top: 40px; + width: 100%; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + list-style: none; + box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); +} +#tsd-search .results li { + background-color: var(--color-background); + line-height: initial; + padding: 4px; +} +#tsd-search .results li:nth-child(even) { + background-color: var(--color-background-secondary); +} +#tsd-search .results li.state { + display: none; +} +#tsd-search .results li.current:not(.no-results), +#tsd-search .results li:hover:not(.no-results) { + background-color: var(--color-accent); +} +#tsd-search .results a { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + padding: 0.25rem; + box-sizing: border-box; +} +#tsd-search .results a:before { + top: 10px; +} +#tsd-search .results span.parent { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + font-weight: normal; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus { + background-color: var(--color-accent); +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .field input { + top: 0; + opacity: 1; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .title, +#tsd-search.has-focus #tsd-toolbar-links a { + z-index: 0; + opacity: 0; +} +#tsd-search.has-focus .results { + visibility: visible; +} +#tsd-search.loading .results li.state.loading { + display: block; +} +#tsd-search.failure .results li.state.failure { + display: block; +} + +#tsd-toolbar-links { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 2rem; + height: 100%; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: flex-end; +} +#tsd-toolbar-links a { + margin-left: 1.5rem; +} +#tsd-toolbar-links a:hover { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.tsd-signature { + margin: 0 0 1rem 0; + padding: 1rem 0.5rem; + border: 1px solid var(--color-accent); + font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Courier New", monospace; + font-size: 14px; + overflow-x: auto; +} + +.tsd-signature-symbol { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + font-weight: normal; +} + +.tsd-signature-type { + font-style: italic; + font-weight: normal; +} + +.tsd-signatures { + padding: 0; + margin: 0 0 1em 0; + list-style-type: none; +} +.tsd-signatures .tsd-signature { + margin: 0; + border-color: var(--color-accent); + border-width: 1px 0; + transition: background-color 0.1s; +} +.tsd-description .tsd-signatures .tsd-signature { + border-width: 1px; +} + +ul.tsd-parameter-list, +ul.tsd-type-parameter-list { + list-style: square; + margin: 0; + padding-left: 20px; +} +ul.tsd-parameter-list > li.tsd-parameter-signature, +ul.tsd-type-parameter-list > li.tsd-parameter-signature { + list-style: none; + margin-left: -20px; +} +ul.tsd-parameter-list h5, +ul.tsd-type-parameter-list h5 { + font-size: 16px; + margin: 1em 0 0.5em 0; +} +.tsd-sources { + margin-top: 1rem; + font-size: 0.875em; +} +.tsd-sources a { + color: var(--color-text-aside); + text-decoration: underline; +} +.tsd-sources ul { + list-style: none; + padding: 0; +} + +.tsd-page-toolbar { + position: sticky; + z-index: 1; + top: 0; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + color: var(--color-text); + background: var(--color-background-secondary); + border-bottom: 1px var(--color-accent) solid; + transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar a { + color: var(--color-text); + text-decoration: none; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar a.title { + font-weight: bold; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar a.title:hover { + text-decoration: underline; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar .tsd-toolbar-contents { + display: flex; + justify-content: space-between; + height: 2.5rem; + margin: 0 auto; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar .table-cell { + position: relative; + white-space: nowrap; + line-height: 40px; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar .table-cell:first-child { + width: 100%; +} +.tsd-page-toolbar .tsd-toolbar-icon { + box-sizing: border-box; + line-height: 0; + padding: 12px 0; +} + +.tsd-widget { + display: inline-block; + overflow: hidden; + opacity: 0.8; + height: 40px; + transition: + opacity 0.1s, + background-color 0.2s; + vertical-align: bottom; + cursor: pointer; +} +.tsd-widget:hover { + opacity: 0.9; +} { + opacity: 1; + background-color: var(--color-accent); +} { + width: 40px; +} { + margin: 0; +} + +.tsd-widget.options, { + display: none; +} +input[type="checkbox"] + .tsd-widget:before { + background-position: -120px 0; +} +input[type="checkbox"]:checked + .tsd-widget:before { + background-position: -160px 0; +} + +img { + max-width: 100%; +} + +.tsd-anchor-icon { + display: inline-flex; + align-items: center; + margin-left: 0.5rem; + vertical-align: middle; + color: var(--color-text); +} + +.tsd-anchor-icon svg { + width: 1em; + height: 1em; + visibility: hidden; +} + +.tsd-anchor-link:hover > .tsd-anchor-icon svg { + visibility: visible; +} + +.deprecated { + text-decoration: line-through !important; +} + +.warning { + padding: 1rem; + color: var(--color-warning-text); + background: var(--color-background-warning); +} + +.tsd-kind-project { + color: var(--color-ts-project); +} +.tsd-kind-module { + color: var(--color-ts-module); +} +.tsd-kind-namespace { + color: var(--color-ts-namespace); +} +.tsd-kind-enum { + color: var(--color-ts-enum); +} +.tsd-kind-enum-member { + color: var(--color-ts-enum-member); +} +.tsd-kind-variable { + color: var(--color-ts-variable); +} +.tsd-kind-function { + color: var(--color-ts-function); +} +.tsd-kind-class { + color: var(--color-ts-class); +} +.tsd-kind-interface { + color: var(--color-ts-interface); +} +.tsd-kind-constructor { + color: var(--color-ts-constructor); +} +.tsd-kind-property { + color: var(--color-ts-property); +} +.tsd-kind-method { + color: var(--color-ts-method); +} +.tsd-kind-call-signature { + color: var(--color-ts-call-signature); +} +.tsd-kind-index-signature { + color: var(--color-ts-index-signature); +} +.tsd-kind-constructor-signature { + color: var(--color-ts-constructor-signature); +} +.tsd-kind-parameter { + color: var(--color-ts-parameter); +} +.tsd-kind-type-literal { + color: var(--color-ts-type-literal); +} +.tsd-kind-type-parameter { + color: var(--color-ts-type-parameter); +} +.tsd-kind-accessor { + color: var(--color-ts-accessor); +} +.tsd-kind-get-signature { + color: var(--color-ts-get-signature); +} +.tsd-kind-set-signature { + color: var(--color-ts-set-signature); +} +.tsd-kind-type-alias { + color: var(--color-ts-type-alias); +} + +/* if we have a kind icon, don't color the text by kind */ +.tsd-kind-icon ~ span { + color: var(--color-text); +} + +* { + scrollbar-width: thin; + scrollbar-color: var(--color-accent) var(--color-icon-background); +} + +*::-webkit-scrollbar { + width: 0.75rem; +} + +*::-webkit-scrollbar-track { + background: var(--color-icon-background); +} + +*::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { + background-color: var(--color-accent); + border-radius: 999rem; + border: 0.25rem solid var(--color-icon-background); +} + +/* mobile */ +@media (max-width: 769px) { + .tsd-widget.options, + { + display: inline-block; + } + + .container-main { + display: flex; + } + html .col-content { + float: none; + max-width: 100%; + width: 100%; + } + html .col-sidebar { + position: fixed !important; + overflow-y: auto; + -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; + z-index: 1024; + top: 0 !important; + bottom: 0 !important; + left: auto !important; + right: 0 !important; + padding: 1.5rem 1.5rem 0 0; + width: 75vw; + visibility: hidden; + background-color: var(--color-background); + transform: translate(100%, 0); + } + html .col-sidebar > *:last-child { + padding-bottom: 20px; + } + html .overlay { + content: ""; + display: block; + position: fixed; + z-index: 1023; + top: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); + visibility: hidden; + } + + .to-has-menu .overlay { + animation: fade-in 0.4s; + } + + .to-has-menu .col-sidebar { + animation: pop-in-from-right 0.4s; + } + + .from-has-menu .overlay { + animation: fade-out 0.4s; + } + + .from-has-menu .col-sidebar { + animation: pop-out-to-right 0.4s; + } + + .has-menu body { + overflow: hidden; + } + .has-menu .overlay { + visibility: visible; + } + .has-menu .col-sidebar { + visibility: visible; + transform: translate(0, 0); + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + gap: 1.5rem; + max-height: 100vh; + padding: 1rem 2rem; + } + .has-menu .tsd-navigation { + max-height: 100%; + } +} + +/* one sidebar */ +@media (min-width: 770px) { + .container-main { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) minmax(0, 2fr); + grid-template-areas: "sidebar content"; + margin: 2rem auto; + } + + .col-sidebar { + grid-area: sidebar; + } + .col-content { + grid-area: content; + padding: 0 1rem; + } +} +@media (min-width: 770px) and (max-width: 1399px) { + .col-sidebar { + max-height: calc(100vh - 2rem - 42px); + overflow: auto; + position: sticky; + top: 42px; + padding-top: 1rem; + } + .site-menu { + margin-top: 1rem; + } +} + +/* two sidebars */ +@media (min-width: 1200px) { + .container-main { + grid-template-columns: minmax(0, 1fr) minmax(0, 2.5fr) minmax(0, 20rem); + grid-template-areas: "sidebar content toc"; + } + + .col-sidebar { + display: contents; + } + + .page-menu { + grid-area: toc; + padding-left: 1rem; + } + .site-menu { + grid-area: sidebar; + } + + .site-menu { + margin-top: 1rem 0; + } + + .page-menu, + .site-menu { + max-height: calc(100vh - 2rem - 42px); + overflow: auto; + position: sticky; + top: 42px; + } +} diff --git a/docs/classes/libclo.Clo.html b/docs/classes/libclo.Clo.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..272a378 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/classes/libclo.Clo.html @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +Clo | clo
+ +
+ +

Class Clo


whole document-representing class



  • Clo
+ +








+ +


+ +
attrs: {
    [index: string]: any;

the attributes for the Clo


Type declaration

  • +
    [index: string]: any
+ +
mainStream: string[]

storing the text string into the main frame

+ +
preprocessors: Function[]

array of preprocessor functions to preprocess the mainStream



+ +
+ +
    + +
  • +


    • +
      attr: string

    Returns any

+ +
    + +
  • +

    register a function of preprocessor



    • +
      f: Function

      a function


    Returns void

+ +
    + +
  • +


    • +
      attr: string
    • +
    • +
      val: any

    Returns void

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/enums/canva.TextStyle.html b/docs/enums/canva.TextStyle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d618ec --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/enums/canva.TextStyle.html @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +TextStyle | clo
+ +
+ +

Enumeration TextStyle

+ +

Enumeration Members


Enumeration Members

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Enumeration TextWeight

+ +

Enumeration Members


Enumeration Members

+ +
+ +
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/enums/libclo.Direction.html b/docs/enums/libclo.Direction.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d2c8ea --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/enums/libclo.Direction.html @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +Direction | clo
+ +
+ +

Enumeration Direction


text direction +LTR - left to right +TTB - top to bottom +etc.

+ +

Enumeration Members


Enumeration Members

+ +
BTT: 3
+ +
LTR: 0
+ +
RTL: 1
+ +
TTB: 2
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/enums/parser.TokenKind.html b/docs/enums/parser.TokenKind.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3645041 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/enums/parser.TokenKind.html @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +TokenKind | clo
+ +
+ +

Enumeration TokenKind

+ +

Enumeration Members


Enumeration Members

+ +
Comment: 10
+ +
ExcapeAt: 5
+ +
ExprMark: 4
+ +
Id: 8
+ +
Number: 2
+ +
Op: 3
+ +
Paren: 6
+ +
Semicolon: 1
+ +
Seperator: 0
+ +
SpaceNL: 7
+ +
Str: 9
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/canva.fontStyleTofont.html b/docs/functions/canva.fontStyleTofont.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84a4a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/canva.fontStyleTofont.html @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +fontStyleTofont | clo
+ +
+ +

Function fontStyleTofont

    + +
  • +

    guess the font path and postscript name of a font style with fontconfig's commands




    Returns fontPathPSNamePair

    pair of the font path and postscript name.

    + +
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/canva.putText.html b/docs/functions/canva.putText.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34adcce --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/canva.putText.html @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +putText | clo
+ +
+ +

Function putText

    + +
  • +

    put text in a clo canva.



    • +
      clo: Clo

      : the clo object

    • +
    • +
      str: string

      input string

    • +
    • +
      sty: FontStyle

      input fontstyle

    • +
    • +
      pageNo: number
    • +
    • +
      x: number

      base x-point from left

    • +
    • +
      y: number

      base y-point from top


    Returns Promise<Clo>

    a new updated clo object

    + +
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/index.processArgv.html b/docs/functions/index.processArgv.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..684129a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/index.processArgv.html @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +processArgv | clo
+ +
+ +

Function processArgv

    + +
  • +

    processing the passed argv (arguments)



    • +
      argv: any
    • +
    • +
      helpDesc: string

    Returns void

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenForClo.html b/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenForClo.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a814a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenForClo.html @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +hyphenForClo | clo
+ +
+ +

Function hyphenForClo

    + +
  • +

    hyphenation for a clo document



    • +
      arr: tkTree

      the array for a tkTree

    • +
    • +
      clo: Clo

      the Clo object


    Returns tkTree

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenTkTree.html b/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenTkTree.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6a0c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/libclo.hyphenTkTree.html @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +hyphenTkTree | clo
+ +
+ +

Function hyphenTkTree

    + +
  • +

    hyphenate for a tkTree



    • +
      arr: tkTree

      the tkTree array

    • +
    • +
      lang: string

      ISO 639 code for the language


    Returns tkTree

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/libclo.ptToPx.html b/docs/functions/libclo.ptToPx.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..761658b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/libclo.ptToPx.html @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +ptToPx | clo
+ +
+ +

Function ptToPx

    + +
  • +

    convert from ptToPx



    • +
      pt: number

      pt size value


    Returns number

    the corresponding px value

    + +
+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/libclo.splitCJKV.html b/docs/functions/libclo.splitCJKV.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7efea68 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/libclo.splitCJKV.html @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +splitCJKV | clo
+ +
+ +

Function splitCJKV

    + +
  • +

    split CJKV and non-CJKV



    • +
      arr: tkTree

      : input tkTree

    • +
    • +
      clo: Clo

    Returns tkTree

    a splitted tkTree (by CJK and NonCJK)

    • Examples:
    • +
    [`many臺中daylight`] => [`many`, `臺中`, `dahylight`]
    + +
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/libclo.twoReturnsToNewline.html b/docs/functions/libclo.twoReturnsToNewline.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ff24e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/libclo.twoReturnsToNewline.html @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +twoReturnsToNewline | clo
+ +
+ +

Function twoReturnsToNewline

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyComment.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyComment.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..914527c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyComment.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyComment | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyComment

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyContent.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyContent.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02d8312 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyContent.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyContent | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyContent

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyImport.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyImport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1def428 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyImport.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyImport | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyImport

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyImports.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyImports.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e69db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyImports.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyImports | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyImports

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyNotAtText.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyNotAtText.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c18dd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyNotAtText.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyNotAtText | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyNotAtText

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyParts.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyParts.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d7e34a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyParts.html @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +applyParts | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyParts

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.applyPartsWithoutImport.html b/docs/functions/parser.applyPartsWithoutImport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94f8ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.applyPartsWithoutImport.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +applyPartsWithoutImport | clo
+ +
+ +

Function applyPartsWithoutImport

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Function applySegment

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Function applySemiColon

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Function applySpaceNL

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Function applyText

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Function inputTextToTree

    + +
  • +

    inputText to tkTree (ASTTree)



    • +
      inputText: string

    Returns tkTree

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/functions/parser.treeToJS.html b/docs/functions/parser.treeToJS.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c2be8e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions/parser.treeToJS.html @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +treeToJS | clo
+ +
+ +

Function treeToJS

    + +
  • +

    Convert tree (ASTTree; tkTree) to JS Code.




    Returns string

+ +

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+ +





changing journal

  • 20230904 建立 thenDo、matchRange的函數、refactor harfbuzzjs 以及libpdf 等測試界面
  • +
  • 20230905-06: 建立 : toSome, initial of basic tokenizer (tokenize), +matchAny, notDo, orDo, zeroOrMoreDo, zeroOrOnceDo
  • +
  • 20230905-07:強化tokenize, 加強功能,加Token界面。
  • +
  • 20230907-08:強化tokenize。
  • +
  • 20230910 : add basic parser CONST rule, and add the grammar rule.
  • +
  • 20230914-15: 追加一寡 tokenizer ê 功能。
  • +
  • 20230918: 重新tuì下kàu頂起做parser. add rule
  • +
  • 20230921-22:add rule, report issue
  • +
  • 20230925-26: 試驗án-tsuánn解決issue1, iáu-buē成功。
    • 凡勢用?
    • +
    FuncApp ::= Single FuncAppAux | Single
    FuncAppAUx ::= FunCallee FuncAppAUx
    FuncCallee ::= "(" ")" | "(" ARGS ")"
  • +
  • 20230928:basically fix issue1。其他ê物件猶著做。
  • +
  • 20230929:add multi args parsing for callee.
  • +
  • 20230930:tîng khí parser, using js-token.
  • +
  • 20231006: tîng siá parser, using ts-parsec.
  • +
  • 20231010: 初步完成tsit ê階段ê Parser`。
  • +
  • 20231012: clo->js converter successfully (maybe.)
  • +
  • 20231016:basic font guessing and putText function
  • +
  • 20231023-24:fix .ttc bug.
  • +
  • 20231026-27 : clo basic interface, preprocessor of stream of text, + add cjk-english splitter, etc.
  • +
  • 20231029: hyphenating for english.
  • +


  • 先做一個前處理註冊器,註冊下列的前處理
    • 中英文間距
    • +
    • 換行點
    • +
    • 空白轉為 [glue]
    • +
  • +
  • 前處理完成字串後,必須要:
    • 算出字元的Box
    • +
    • 利用 frame/box 資訊分行、分頁
    • +
    • 然後算出每個Box的x, y, page
    • +
    • 最後納入排版
    • +
  • +



  (hglue 寬度 伸展值)
(vglue 高度 伸展值)
(bp 原始模式 斷行模式) ; breakpoint
(nl) ; newline
(em 數字)
(ex 數字)
(span {"font-family" : "Noto Sans" , "font-size" : 16 })
(vbox 高度 內容) +

How to generate documents

  • typedoc /path/to/index.js [/path/to/index2.js ...] +the generated page will be stored in /src.
  • +
+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

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+ +
+ +

Interface Clo


a clo document



  • Clo
+ +




+ +
PDFCanvas: PDFDocument
+ +
mainFontStyle?: FontStyle
+ +
mainText: TextStreamUnit[]
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/interfaces/canva.CloCommand.html b/docs/interfaces/canva.CloCommand.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18b816b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/interfaces/canva.CloCommand.html @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +CloCommand | clo
+ +
+ +

Interface CloCommand



  • CloCommand
+ +




+ +
+ +
cmdName: string
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Interface FontStyle


Font Style Interface +family : eg. "FreeSans" +size : in px, not in pt. +textWeight : TextWeight.REGULAR ,etc +textWeight : TextStyle.ITALIC ,etc



  • FontStyle
+ +




+ +
color?: string
+ +
family: string
+ +
size: number
+ +
textStyle: TextStyle
+ +
textWeight: TextWeight
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/interfaces/canva.fontPathPSNamePair.html b/docs/interfaces/canva.fontPathPSNamePair.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b9c0bf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/interfaces/canva.fontPathPSNamePair.html @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +fontPathPSNamePair | clo
+ +
+ +

Interface fontPathPSNamePair



  • fontPathPSNamePair
+ +




+ +
path: string
+ +
psName: string
+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/interfaces/libclo.Box.html b/docs/interfaces/libclo.Box.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca1355d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/interfaces/libclo.Box.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +Box | clo
+ +
+ +

Interface Box


a basic Box



+ +




+ +
content: null | string | Box[]
+ +
direction: Direction
+ +
fontStyle: null | FontStyle
+ +
height: number
+ +
width: number
+ +
x: null | number
+ +
y: null | number
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Interface FrameBox


frame box is a subclass of box

  • directionInsideLine : text direction inside a line
  • +
  • baselineskip : the distance between baselines in px
  • +


  • Box +
    • FrameBox
+ +


+ +
baseLineskip: null | number
+ +
content: null | string | Box[]
+ +
direction: Direction
+ +
directionInsideLine: Direction
+ +
fontStyle: null | FontStyle
+ +
height: number
+ +
width: number
+ +
x: null | number
+ +
y: null | number
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Module canva








Type Aliases



+ +

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+ +
+ +

Module index







+ +

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+ +
+ +

Module libclo







Clo +






+ +

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+ +
+ +
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Type alias PDFDocument

PDFDocument: PDFKit.PDFDocument
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Type alias TextStreamUnit

TextStreamUnit: string | CloCommand
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Type alias tkTree

tkTree: string | tkTree[]

convert a tkTree AST to S-expr string



the tkTree

+ +


S-expr String


export function tkTreeToSExp(t: tkTree): string{ + var str = "";


if (Array.isArray(t)){ + let strArray =>tkTreeToSExp(x)); + str = "(" + strArray.join("◎") + ")"; + }else{ + if (t=== undefined){ + str = "%undefined" + }else{ + str = t; + } + }


return str; +}

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable helpDesc

helpDesc: string = ...

help for inputing --help parameter.

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable A4_IN_PXConst

A4_IN_PX: {
    height: number;
    width: number;
} = ...



Type declaration

  • +
    height: number
  • +
  • +
    width: number
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable cjkvBlocksInRegexConst

cjkvBlocksInRegex: string[] = ...

definition for cjk scripts

  • Hani : Han Character
  • +
  • Hang : Hangul
  • +
  • Bopo : Bopomofo
  • +
  • Kana : Katakana
  • +
  • Hira : Hiragana
  • +
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable cjkvRegexPatternConst

cjkvRegexPattern: RegExp = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable defaultFrameStyleConst

defaultFrameStyle: FrameBox = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable defaultTextStyleConst

defaultTextStyle: FontStyle = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable CONTENTConst

CONTENT: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable IMPORTConst

IMPORT: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +


IMPORTEE: Parser<TokenKind, Token<TokenKind>> = ...

IMPORTEE: Number, Op, Paren, Id, Str, Comment,

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable IMPORTSConst

IMPORTS: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable NOT_AT

NOT_AT: Parser<TokenKind, Token<TokenKind>> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable NOT_AT_TEXTConst

NOT_AT_TEXT: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable PROGConst

PROG: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable SEGMENTConst

SEGMENT: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable SEMICOLONConst

SEMICOLON: Rule<TokenKind, tkTree> = ...
+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable lexerConst

lexer: Lexer<TokenKind> = ...


+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable outputEnd

outputEnd: string = ...

the end part of the output JS code : after content part

+ +

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+ +
+ +

Variable outputHead

outputHead: string = ...

the head part of the output JS code : before import

+ +

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/variables/parser.outputMiddle.html b/docs/variables/parser.outputMiddle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3030d3f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/variables/parser.outputMiddle.html @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +outputMiddle | clo
+ +
+ +

Variable outputMiddle

outputMiddle: string = ...

the middle part of the output JS code : between import part and content part

+ +

Generated using TypeDoc

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"bugs": { - "url": "" + "url": "" }, - "homepage": "", + "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { "@types/chai": "^4.3.5", + "@types/jsdom": "^21.1.4", "@types/mocha": "^10.0.1", "@types/node": "^20.8.4", "@types/pdfkit": "^0.13.1", @@ -36,10 +37,13 @@ "nyc": "^15.1.0", "ts-node": "^10.9.1", "tslint": "^6.1.3", + "typedoc": "^0.25.2", "typescript": "^5.2.2" }, "dependencies": { - "harfbuzzjs": "^0.3.3", + "canvas": "^2.11.2", + "hyphen": "^1.7.0", + "jsdom": "^22.1.0", "minimist": "^1.2.8", "npx": "^10.2.2", "pdfkit": "^0.13.0", diff --git a/src/canva.ts b/src/canva.ts index e88d8fd..712efee 100644 --- a/src/canva.ts +++ b/src/canva.ts @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ export interface Clo{ /** * Font Style Interface - * family : eg. "FreeSans" - * size : in px, not in pt. - * textWeight : TextWeight.REGULAR ,etc - * textWeight : TextStyle.ITALIC ,etc + * - family : eg. "FreeSans" + * - size : in px, not in pt. + * - textWeight : TextWeight.REGULAR ,etc + * - fontStyle : FontStyle.ITALIC ,etc */ -export interface FontStyle{ +export interface TextStyle{ family : string, size : number, textWeight : TextWeight, - textStyle : TextStyle, + fontStyle : FontStyle, color? : string, }; @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export enum TextWeight { BOLD, }; -export enum TextStyle{ +export enum FontStyle{ NORMAL, ITALIC, OBLIQUE, @@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ export interface fontPathPSNamePair{ * @param style the font style * @returns pair of the font path and postscript name. */ -export function fontStyleTofont(style : FontStyle) : fontPathPSNamePair{ +export function fontStyleTofont(style : TextStyle) : fontPathPSNamePair{ try { let fcMatchCommand = `fc-match "${}":${TextWeight[style.textWeight]}:`+ - `${TextStyle[style.textStyle]}` +` postscriptname file`; + `${FontStyle[style.fontStyle]}` +` postscriptname file`; let fcMatchOut = execSync(fcMatchCommand); let matched = fcMatchOut @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ export function fontStyleTofont(style : FontStyle) : fontPathPSNamePair{ * @param y base y-point from top * @returns a new updated clo object */ -export async function putText(clo : Clo, str : string, sty : FontStyle, +export async function putText(clo : Clo, str : string, sty : TextStyle, pageNo : number, x : number, y : number): Promise{ let fontInfo = fontStyleTofont(sty); diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js index f3af8b7..a5fb132 100644 --- a/src/index.js +++ b/src/index.js @@ -23,10 +23,14 @@ var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); +exports.processArgv = exports.helpDesc = void 0; var fs = require('fs'); var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); const parser = __importStar(require("./parser.js")); -let helpDesc = ` +/** + * help for inputing `--help` parameter. + */ +exports.helpDesc = ` clo: clo INPUT_FILE --output-js OUTPUT_JS_FILE \ta little typesetter powered by TypeScript/Javascript. @@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ INPUT_FILE\tan input .clo file Report bugs to: clo home page: `; -processArgv(argv, helpDesc); +processArgv(argv, exports.helpDesc); /** * processing the passed `argv` (arguments) */ @@ -72,3 +76,4 @@ function processArgv(argv, helpDesc) { }); } } +exports.processArgv = processArgv; diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index 9542e0f..44aa792 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ var argv : any = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); import * as parser from "./parser.js"; - -let helpDesc = +/** + * help for inputing `--help` parameter. + */ +export let helpDesc = ` clo: clo INPUT_FILE --output-js OUTPUT_JS_FILE @@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ processArgv(argv, helpDesc); * processing the passed `argv` (arguments) */ -function processArgv(argv : any, helpDesc : string){ +export function processArgv(argv : any, helpDesc : string){ let inputFile : string[] = argv['_']; let outputJSFile : string | true = argv['output-js']; diff --git a/src/libclo/index.js b/src/libclo/index.js index e5ae1bd..944aba2 100644 --- a/src/libclo/index.js +++ b/src/libclo/index.js @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.a = exports.Clo = void 0; +exports.Clo = exports.calculateTextWidthHeight = exports.hyphenTkTree = exports.filterEmptyString = exports.spacesToBreakpoint = exports.hyphenForClo = exports.splitCJKV = exports.twoReturnsToNewline = exports.ptToPx = exports.cjkvRegexPattern = exports.cjkvBlocksInRegex = exports.defaultFrameStyle = exports.defaultTextStyle = exports.A4_IN_PX = exports.Direction = void 0; const canva_1 = require("../canva"); +const jsdom_1 = require("jsdom"); /** * TYPES */ @@ -17,32 +18,40 @@ var Direction; Direction[Direction["RTL"] = 1] = "RTL"; Direction[Direction["TTB"] = 2] = "TTB"; Direction[Direction["BTT"] = 3] = "BTT"; -})(Direction || (Direction = {})); +})(Direction || (exports.Direction = Direction = {})); /** * DEFAULT CONST PART */ -const A4_IN_PX = { "width": 793.7, +exports.A4_IN_PX = { "width": 793.7, "height": 1122.5 }; -const defaultTextStyle = { - family: "FreeSans", - size: 12, +exports.defaultTextStyle = { + family: "FreeSerif", + size: ptToPx(12), textWeight: canva_1.TextWeight.REGULAR, - textStyle: canva_1.TextStyle.ITALIC, + fontStyle: canva_1.FontStyle.ITALIC, }; -const defaultFrameStyle = { +exports.defaultFrameStyle = { directionInsideLine: Direction.LTR, direction: Direction.TTB, baseLineskip: ptToPx(15), - fontStyle: defaultTextStyle, - x: A4_IN_PX.width * 0.10, - y: A4_IN_PX.height * 0.10, - width: A4_IN_PX.width * 0.80, - height: A4_IN_PX.height * 0.80, + textStyle: exports.defaultTextStyle, + x: exports.A4_IN_PX.width * 0.10, + y: exports.A4_IN_PX.height * 0.10, + width: exports.A4_IN_PX.width * 0.80, + height: exports.A4_IN_PX.height * 0.80, content: null, }; -const cjkvBlocksInRegex = ["Hani"]; -const cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" + - => "\\p{Script_Extensions=" + x + "}").join("|") + ")+)", "gu"); +/** + * definition for cjk scripts + * - Hani : Han Character + * - Hang : Hangul + * - Bopo : Bopomofo + * - Kana : Katakana + * - Hira : Hiragana +*/ +exports.cjkvBlocksInRegex = ["Hani", "Hang", "Bopo", "Kana", "Hira"]; +exports.cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" + + => "\\p{Script_Extensions=" + x + "}").join("|") + ")+)", "gu"); /** * FUNCTION PART */ @@ -52,47 +61,208 @@ const cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" + * @returns the corresponding px value */ function ptToPx(pt) { - return pt * 4 / 3.0; + return pt * 4.0 / 3.0; } +exports.ptToPx = ptToPx; /** * REGISTER PART */ +/** + * convert '\n\n' to newline command ["nl"] + * @param arr the input `tkTree` + * @param clo the `Clo` object + * @returns the input tktree + */ +function twoReturnsToNewline(arr, clo) { + var middle = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + if (!Array.isArray(item)) { + middle = middle.concat(item.split(/(\n\n)/g)); + } + else { + middle.push(item); + } + } + var result = []; + for (let j = 0; j < middle.length; j++) { + var item = middle[j]; + if (!Array.isArray(item) && item == "\n\n") { + result.push(["nl"]); // push a newline command to the result `tkTree` + } + else { + result.push(middle[j]); + } + } + return result; +} +exports.twoReturnsToNewline = twoReturnsToNewline; /** * split CJKV and non-CJKV * * @param arr : input tkTree - * @returns + * @returns a splitted tkTree (by CJK and NonCJK) + * - Examples: + * ``` + * [`many臺中daylight`] => [`many`, `臺中`, `dahylight`] + * ``` */ -function splitCJKV(arr) { - console.log(arr); +function splitCJKV(arr, clo) { var result = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var item = arr[i]; if (!Array.isArray(item)) { - console.log(item.split(cjkvRegexPattern)); - result = result.concat(item.split(cjkvRegexPattern)); + result = result.concat(item.split(exports.cjkvRegexPattern)); } else { result.push(item); } } - console.log(result); return result; } +exports.splitCJKV = splitCJKV; +/** + * hyphenation for a clo document + * @param arr the array for a `tkTree` + * @param clo the Clo object + */ +function hyphenForClo(arr, clo) { + let hyphenLanguage = clo.attrs["hyphenLanguage"]; + let res = hyphenTkTree(arr, hyphenLanguage); + return res; +} +exports.hyphenForClo = hyphenForClo; +/** + * convert spaces to Breakpoint + * \s+ => ["bp" [\s+] ""] + * @param arr the tkTree input text stream + * @param clo the Clo object + * @returns the converted object + */ +function spacesToBreakpoint(arr, clo) { + let spacePattern = /^([ \t]+)$/g; + var result = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + if (!Array.isArray(item) && item.match(spacePattern)) { + result.push(['bp', item, ""]); // push a newline command to the result `tkTree` + } + else { + result.push(item); + } + } + return result; +} +exports.spacesToBreakpoint = spacesToBreakpoint; +/** + * remove all the `` (empty string) in the arr + * @param arr the tkTree to be filtered + * @param clo the Clo file + */ +function filterEmptyString(arr, clo) { + if (Array.isArray(arr)) { + arr.filter((x) => { return x != ``; }); + } + return arr; +} +exports.filterEmptyString = filterEmptyString; +/** + * OTHER FUNCTIONS + */ +/** + * hyphenate for a tkTree + * - hyphenation => ["bp", "", "-"] + * @param arr the tkTree array + * @param lang ISO 639 code for the language + */ +function hyphenTkTree(arr, lang) { + // import corresponding hyphen language data and function + let hyphen = require("hyphen/" + lang); + let result = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + let element = arr[i]; + let splitter = "分"; // a CJKV + if (!Array.isArray(element)) { + let hyphenatedElement = hyphen.hyphenateSync(element, { hyphenChar: splitter }); + let hyphenatedSplitted = hyphenatedElement.split(splitter); + var newSplitted = []; + for (var j = 0; j < hyphenatedSplitted.length - 1; j++) { + newSplitted.push(hyphenatedSplitted[j]); + // "bp" for breakpoint + newSplitted.push(["bp", "", "-"]); //insert a breakable point (bp) mark + } + newSplitted.push(hyphenatedSplitted[hyphenatedSplitted.length - 1]); + result = result.concat(newSplitted); + } + else { + result.push(element); + } + } + return result; +} +exports.hyphenTkTree = hyphenTkTree; +/** + * calculate the text width and Height with a given `TextStyle` + * @param preprocessed + * @param defaultFontStyle + */ +function calculateTextWidthHeight(preprocessed, style) { + var dom = new jsdom_1.JSDOM(` + `); + try { + let canvas = dom.window.document.getElementById("canvas"); + console.log(canvas); + /*if (!(canvas instanceof HTMLElement)){ + throw new Error('the in the jsdom\'s DOM is not found.'); + + }*/ + let context = canvas.getContext("2d"); + console.log(context); + if (context == null) { + throw new Error('`canvas.getContext("2d");` can\'t be executed.'); + } + context.font = `normal normal 10pt ${}`; + console.log(context.font); + let txt = `Hello john`; + console.log(txt); + let measured = context.measureText(txt); + let width = measured.width; + let height = measured.actualBoundingBoxAscent; + let depth = measured.actualBoundingBoxDescent; + console.log("width: " + width); + console.log("height: " + height); + console.log("depth: " + depth); + } + catch (error) { + console.log("Exception " + error); + } +} +exports.calculateTextWidthHeight = calculateTextWidthHeight; +/** + * whole document-representing class + */ class Clo { constructor() { this.preprocessors = []; this.mainStream = []; - this.attributes = { "page": A4_IN_PX }; + this.attrs = { + "page": exports.A4_IN_PX, + "defaultFrameStyle": exports.defaultFrameStyle, + "hyphenLanguage": 'en' // hyphenated in the language (in ISO 639) + }; // register the precessor functions this.preprocessorRegister(splitCJKV); + this.preprocessorRegister(hyphenForClo); + this.preprocessorRegister(twoReturnsToNewline); + this.preprocessorRegister(spacesToBreakpoint); + this.preprocessorRegister(filterEmptyString); } setAttr(attr, val) { - Object.assign(this.attributes, attr, val); + Object.assign(this.attrs, attr, val); } getAttr(attr) { - if (Object.keys(this.attributes).length === 0) { - return this.attributes[attr]; + if (Object.keys(this.attrs).length === 0) { + return this.attrs[attr]; } else { return undefined; @@ -107,14 +277,18 @@ class Clo { } generatePdf() { // preprocessed - var prepro = this.mainStream; + var preprocessed = this.mainStream; for (var i = 0; i < this.preprocessors.length; i++) { - prepro = this.preprocessors[i](prepro); + preprocessed = this.preprocessors[i](preprocessed, this); } + // generate the width and height of the stream + let defaultFontStyle = this.attrs["defaultFrameStyle"].textStyle; + calculateTextWidthHeight(preprocessed, defaultFontStyle); // TODO - console.log("test" + prepro); + console.log(preprocessed); } } exports.Clo = Clo; -exports.a = new Clo(); -exports.default = exports.a; +/* +export let a = new Clo(); +export default a; */ diff --git a/src/libclo/index.ts b/src/libclo/index.ts index 7fd58c6..917cf68 100644 --- a/src/libclo/index.ts +++ b/src/libclo/index.ts @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { isKeyObject, isStringObject } from "util/types"; import {tkTree} from "../parser"; -import {TextStyle, FontStyle, TextWeight} from "../canva"; -import { isString } from "util"; +import {FontStyle, TextStyle, TextWeight} from "../canva"; +import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; /** * TYPES @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { isString } from "util"; * TTB - top to bottom * etc. */ -enum Direction{ +export enum Direction{ LTR, RTL, TTB, @@ -25,18 +25,24 @@ enum Direction{ * - directionInsideLine : text direction inside a line * - baselineskip : the distance between baselines in px */ -interface FrameBox extends Box{ +export interface FrameBox extends Box{ directionInsideLine : Direction, baseLineskip : number | null, } /** * a basic Box + * - x : + * - y : + * - textStyle : + * - direction : + * - width : + * - content : */ -interface Box{ +export interface Box{ x : number | null, y : number | null, - fontStyle : FontStyle | null, + textStyle : TextStyle | null, direction : Direction, width : number, height : number, @@ -47,21 +53,21 @@ interface Box{ /** * DEFAULT CONST PART */ -const A4_IN_PX = {"width" : 793.7, +export const A4_IN_PX = {"width" : 793.7, "height" : 1122.5}; -const defaultTextStyle : FontStyle = { - family : "FreeSans", - size : 12, +export const defaultTextStyle : TextStyle = { + family : "FreeSerif", + size : ptToPx(12), textWeight : TextWeight.REGULAR, - textStyle : TextStyle.ITALIC, + fontStyle : FontStyle.ITALIC, } -const defaultFrameStyle : FrameBox = { +export const defaultFrameStyle : FrameBox = { directionInsideLine : Direction.LTR, direction : Direction.TTB, baseLineskip : ptToPx(15), - fontStyle : defaultTextStyle, + textStyle : defaultTextStyle, x : A4_IN_PX.width * 0.10, y : A4_IN_PX.height * 0.10, width : A4_IN_PX.width * 0.80, @@ -69,9 +75,17 @@ const defaultFrameStyle : FrameBox = { content : null, }; -const cjkvBlocksInRegex = ["Hani"]; +/** + * definition for cjk scripts + * - Hani : Han Character + * - Hang : Hangul + * - Bopo : Bopomofo + * - Kana : Katakana + * - Hira : Hiragana +*/ +export const cjkvBlocksInRegex = ["Hani", "Hang", "Bopo", "Kana", "Hira"]; -const cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" + +export const cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" +>"\\p{Script_Extensions="+x+"}").join("|") + ")+)", "gu"); /** * FUNCTION PART @@ -81,8 +95,8 @@ const cjkvRegexPattern = new RegExp("((?:" + * @param pt pt size value * @returns the corresponding px value */ -function ptToPx(pt : number) : number{ - return pt * 4 / 3.0; +export function ptToPx(pt : number) : number{ + return pt * 4.0 / 3.0; } @@ -91,19 +105,54 @@ function ptToPx(pt : number) : number{ * REGISTER PART */ +/** + * convert '\n\n' to newline command ["nl"] + * @param arr the input `tkTree` + * @param clo the `Clo` object + * @returns the input tktree + */ +export function twoReturnsToNewline(arr : tkTree, clo : Clo): tkTree{ + var middle : tkTree = []; + + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + var item = arr[i]; + if (!Array.isArray(item)){ + middle = middle.concat(item.split(/(\n\n)/g)); + } + else{ + middle.push(item); + } + } + + var result : tkTree = []; + for (let j = 0; j < middle.length; j++){ + var item = middle[j]; + if (!Array.isArray(item) && item == "\n\n"){ + result.push(["nl"]); // push a newline command to the result `tkTree` + } + else{ + result.push(middle[j]); + } + } + + return result; +} /** * split CJKV and non-CJKV * * @param arr : input tkTree - * @returns + * @returns a splitted tkTree (by CJK and NonCJK) + * - Examples: + * ``` + * [`many臺中daylight`] => [`many`, `臺中`, `dahylight`] + * ``` */ -function splitCJKV(arr : tkTree): tkTree{ +export function splitCJKV(arr : tkTree, clo : Clo): tkTree{ var result : tkTree = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var item = arr[i]; if (!Array.isArray(item)){ - console.log(item.split(cjkvRegexPattern)); result = result.concat(item.split(cjkvRegexPattern)); } else{ @@ -114,30 +163,182 @@ function splitCJKV(arr : tkTree): tkTree{ return result; } +/** + * hyphenation for a clo document + * @param arr the array for a `tkTree` + * @param clo the Clo object + */ +export function hyphenForClo(arr : tkTree, clo : Clo): tkTree{ + let hyphenLanguage : string = clo.attrs["hyphenLanguage"]; + let res = hyphenTkTree(arr, hyphenLanguage); + return res; + +} + +/** + * convert spaces to Breakpoint + * \s+ => ["bp" [\s+] ""] + * @param arr the tkTree input text stream + * @param clo the Clo object + * @returns the converted object + */ +export function spacesToBreakpoint(arr : tkTree, clo : Clo) : tkTree{ + let spacePattern = /^([ \t]+)$/g; + var result : tkTree = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){ + var item = arr[i]; + if (!Array.isArray(item) && item.match(spacePattern)){ + result.push([ 'bp', item, "" ]); // push a newline command to the result `tkTree` + } + else{ + result.push(item); + } + } + + return result; +} + +/** + * remove all the `` (empty string) in the arr + * @param arr the tkTree to be filtered + * @param clo the Clo file + */ +export function filterEmptyString(arr : tkTree, clo : Clo) : tkTree{ + if (Array.isArray(arr)){ + arr.filter((x)=>{return x != ``;}); + } + + return arr; +} + + +/** + * OTHER FUNCTIONS + */ + +/** + * hyphenate for a tkTree + * - hyphenation => ["bp", "", "-"] + * @param arr the tkTree array + * @param lang ISO 639 code for the language + */ +export function hyphenTkTree(arr : tkTree, lang: string) : tkTree{ + // import corresponding hyphen language data and function + let hyphen = require("hyphen/"+lang); + + let result :tkTree[] = []; + for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { + let element = arr[i]; + let splitter = "分"; // a CJKV + if (!Array.isArray(element)){ + let hyphenatedElement : string = hyphen.hyphenateSync(element, {hyphenChar :splitter}); + let hyphenatedSplitted : tkTree = hyphenatedElement.split(splitter); + var newSplitted : tkTree = []; + for (var j=0; j + `); + + try { + let canvas = dom.window.document.getElementById("canvas"); + console.log(canvas); + + /*if (!(canvas instanceof HTMLElement)){ + throw new Error('the in the jsdom\'s DOM is not found.'); + + }*/ + + let context = (canvas).getContext("2d"); + console.log(context); + if (context == null){ + throw new Error('`canvas.getContext("2d");` can\'t be executed.'); + + } + + context.font = `normal normal ${style.size}px ${}`; + console.log(context.font); + let txt = `Hello john`; + console.log(txt); + let measured = context.measureText(txt); + let width = measured.width; + let height = measured.actualBoundingBoxAscent; + let depth = measured.actualBoundingBoxDescent; + + console.log("width: "+width); + console.log("height: "+height); + console.log("depth: "+depth); + + + } catch (error) { + console.log("Exception "+error); + } + + +} + + + + +/** + * whole document-representing class + */ export class Clo{ + /** storing the text string into the main frame */ mainStream : Array; + /** array of preprocessor functions to preprocess the `mainStream` */ preprocessors : Array; - attributes: {[index: string]:any} ; // a4 size(x,y) + /** the attributes for the Clo */ + attrs: {[index: string]:any} ; // a4 size(x,y) constructor(){ this.preprocessors = []; this.mainStream = []; - this.attributes = {"page" : A4_IN_PX}; + this.attrs = { + "page" : A4_IN_PX, // default for a4. in px of [x, y] + "defaultFrameStyle" : defaultFrameStyle, // defaultFrameStyle + "hyphenLanguage" : 'en' // hyphenated in the language (in ISO 639) + }; // register the precessor functions this.preprocessorRegister(splitCJKV); + this.preprocessorRegister(hyphenForClo); + this.preprocessorRegister(twoReturnsToNewline); + this.preprocessorRegister(spacesToBreakpoint); + this.preprocessorRegister(filterEmptyString); } public setAttr(attr : string, val : any):void{ - Object.assign(this.attributes, attr, val); + Object.assign(this.attrs, attr, val); } public getAttr(attr:string) : any{ - if (Object.keys(this.attributes).length === 0){ - return this.attributes[attr]; + if (Object.keys(this.attrs).length === 0){ + return this.attrs[attr]; }else{ return undefined; } @@ -154,16 +355,22 @@ export class Clo{ public generatePdf(){ // preprocessed - var prepro = this.mainStream; + var preprocessed = this.mainStream; for (var i = 0; i(); -const SEGMENT = p.rule(); -const IMPORT = p.rule(); -const IMPORTS = p.rule(); -const SEMICOLON = p.rule(); -const NOT_AT_TEXT = p.rule(); -const CONTENT = p.rule(); +export const PROG = p.rule(); +export const SEGMENT = p.rule(); +export const IMPORT = p.rule(); +export const IMPORTS = p.rule(); +export const SEMICOLON = p.rule(); +export const NOT_AT_TEXT = p.rule(); +export const CONTENT = p.rule(); -function applySegment(input: [Token, Token[], +export function applySegment(input: [Token, Token[], Token]): tkTree[]{ let unpackedInnerExprs = input[1].map((x)=>{return x.text}); return ["%exprs", unpackedInnerExprs]; } -function applySemiColon(value: Token): tkTree{ +export function applySemiColon(value: Token): tkTree{ return value.text; } -function applyParts(first: tkTree, - second: [Token, tkTree]):tkTree { - return ["%clo", first , second[1]]; +export function applyParts(first: tkTree, + second: [Token, Token, tkTree]):tkTree { + return ["%clo", first , second[2]]; } -function applyPartsWithoutImport(parsed: [Token, tkTree]):tkTree { -return ["%clo", "" , parsed[1]]; +export function applyPartsWithoutImport( + parsed: [Token, Token, tkTree]):tkTree { +return ["%clo", "" , parsed[2]]; } -function applyComment(value: Token): tkTree[]{ +export function applyComment(value: Token): tkTree[]{ return [value.text]; } -function applyImport(input: [Token,Token[], tkTree]) : tkTree{ +export function applyImport(input: [Token,Token[], tkTree]) : tkTree{ let importTail = input[1].map(x=>x.text); return ["import"].concat(importTail); }; @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ function applyImportComment(input: [Token,Token[], return ["import"].concat(importTail).concat(comment); };*/ -function applyImports(input : [tkTree, tkTree[]]): tkTree{ +export function applyImports(input : [tkTree, tkTree[]]): tkTree{ let resultBody = [input[0]].concat(input[1]); let resultWrapper = ["%import", resultBody]; return resultWrapper; @@ -132,29 +133,29 @@ function applyImports(input : [tkTree, tkTree[]]): tkTree{ -function applyNotAtText(value : Token): tkTree{ +export function applyNotAtText(value : Token): tkTree{ if (value.text == "\\\@"){ return '@'; } else{return value.text;} }; -function applyText (input : tkTree): tkTree[]{ +export function applyText (input : tkTree): tkTree[]{ return ["%text", input]; }; -function applyContent(input : tkTree[]): tkTree[]{ +export function applyContent(input : tkTree[]): tkTree[]{ return ["%content", input]; }; -function applySpaceNL(value : Token): tkTree{ +export function applySpaceNL(value : Token): tkTree{ return value.text; } /** * IMPORTEE: Number, Op, Paren, Id, Str, Comment, */ -let IMPORTEE = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Number), +export let IMPORTEE = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Number), p.tok(TokenKind.Op), p.tok(TokenKind.Paren), p.tok(TokenKind.Id), @@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ let IMPORTEE = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Number), p.tok(TokenKind.SpaceNL), p.tok(TokenKind.Comment)); -let NOT_AT = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Seperator), +export let NOT_AT = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Seperator), p.tok(TokenKind.Semicolon), p.tok(TokenKind.Number), p.tok(TokenKind.ExcapeAt), @@ -175,12 +176,12 @@ let NOT_AT = p.alt(p.tok(TokenKind.Seperator), ); /** - * PROG : IMPORTS '---' CONTENT | '---' CONTNENT + * PROG : IMPORTS '---' NEWLINE CONTENT | '---' NEWLINE CONTNENT */ PROG.setPattern( p.alt( - p.lrec_sc(IMPORTS, p.seq(p.str('---'), CONTENT), applyParts), - p.apply(p.seq(p.str('---'), CONTENT), applyPartsWithoutImport)) + p.lrec_sc(IMPORTS, p.seq(p.str('---'), p.str("\n"), CONTENT), applyParts), + p.apply(p.seq(p.str('---'), p.str("\n"), CONTENT), applyPartsWithoutImport)) ) @@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ CONTENT.setPattern( /** * the head part of the output JS code : before import */ -let outputHead = ` +export let outputHead = ` /* clo, a typesetting engine, generated JS file*/ /* CLO: beginning of head*/ @@ -254,11 +255,15 @@ let clo = new cloLib.Clo(); /** * the middle part of the output JS code : between import part and content part */ -let outputMiddle =` +export let outputMiddle =` /* CLO: beginning of middle part*/ clo.mainStream = /* CLO: end of middle part*/ ` -let outputEnd =` + +/** + * the end part of the output JS code : after content part + */ +export let outputEnd =` /* CLO: beginning of end part*/ clo.generatePdf(); /*CLO : end of end part*/ @@ -346,6 +351,9 @@ export function treeToJS(tree : tkTree): string{ * `inputText` to `tkTree` (ASTTree) */ export function inputTextToTree(inputText : string){ -return p.expectSingleResult( - p.expectEOF(PROG.parse(lexer.parse(inputText)))); + // force convert Windows newline to Linux newline + inputText = inputText.replace("\r\n", "\n"); + + return p.expectSingleResult( + p.expectEOF(PROG.parse(lexer.parse(inputText)))); } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/pdfManipulate.js b/src/pdfManipulate.js index 87984e4..a15d1a9 100644 --- a/src/pdfManipulate.js +++ b/src/pdfManipulate.js @@ -1,33 +1,30 @@ "use strict"; -var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { - function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); } - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { - function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } - function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } - step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); - }); -}; -Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); -exports.pdfGenerate = void 0; -const fs_1 = require("fs"); -const pdf_lib_1 = require("pdf-lib"); +/*import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; +import { PDFDocument } from "pdfkit"; var fontkit = require('pdf-fontkit'); -function pdfGenerate() { - return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const pdfDoc = yield pdf_lib_1.PDFDocument.create(); - const page = pdfDoc.addPage(); - pdfDoc.registerFontkit(fontkit); - const fontBytes = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("/usr/share/fonts/uming.ttf"); - const font2 = yield pdfDoc.embedFont(fontBytes, { subset: true }); - const fontBytes2 = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSansArabic-Light.ttf"); - const font3 = yield pdfDoc.embedFont(fontBytes2, { subset: true }); - page.drawText("x=20, y=20", { x: 20, y: 20 }); - page.drawText("x:20, y:100 天地人", { x: 20, y: 100, font: font2 }); - page.drawText("عربي", { x: 50, y: 150, font: font3 }); - const pdfBytes = yield; - (0, fs_1.writeFileSync)('/tmp/test2.pdf', pdfBytes); - }); + +export async function pdfGenerate(){ + + const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create() + const page = pdfDoc.addPage() + + pdfDoc.registerFontkit(fontkit); + const fontBytes = readFileSync("/usr/share/fonts/uming.ttf"); + const font2 = await pdfDoc.embedFont(fontBytes, {subset:true}) + + const fontBytes2 = readFileSync("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSansArabic-Light.ttf") + + const font3 = await pdfDoc.embedFont(fontBytes2, {subset:true}) + + page.drawText("x=20, y=20", {x : 20, y : 20}) + page.drawText("x:20, y:100 天地人", {x : 20, y : 100, font: font2}) + page.drawText("عربي", {x : 50, y : 150, font: font3}) + + const pdfBytes = await; + + writeFileSync('/tmp/test2.pdf', pdfBytes); } -exports.pdfGenerate = pdfGenerate; + pdfGenerate(); + +*/ diff --git a/src/pdfManipulate.ts b/src/pdfManipulate.ts index 1e33215..7d1f77c 100644 --- a/src/pdfManipulate.ts +++ b/src/pdfManipulate.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; -import { PDFDocument } from "pdf-lib"; +/*import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; +import { PDFDocument } from "pdfkit"; var fontkit = require('pdf-fontkit'); export async function pdfGenerate(){ @@ -24,4 +24,6 @@ export async function pdfGenerate(){ writeFileSync('/tmp/test2.pdf', pdfBytes); } -pdfGenerate(); \ No newline at end of file +pdfGenerate(); + +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pdfManipulation.ts b/tests/pdfManipulation.ts index 6daaa14..9a1d75f 100644 --- a/tests/pdfManipulation.ts +++ b/tests/pdfManipulation.ts @@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ let hanziFont = { family : "Noto Sans CJK TC", size : 12, textWeight : canva.TextWeight.REGULAR, - textStyle : canva.TextStyle.ITALIC, + fontStyle : canva.FontStyle.ITALIC, } let romanFont = { family : "FreeSans", size : 15, textWeight : canva.TextWeight.BOLD, - textStyle : canva.TextStyle.ITALIC, + fontStyle : canva.FontStyle.ITALIC, } let arabicFont = { family : "noto sans arabic", size : 16, textWeight : canva.TextWeight.REGULAR, - textStyle : canva.TextStyle.NORMAL, + fontStyle : canva.FontStyle.NORMAL, } @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ async function foo (){ let clo = await { mainText : ["123 一隻貓跑過來"], - mainFontStyle : hanziFont, + mainTextStyle : hanziFont, PDFCanvas : doc, } diff --git "a/\345\217\203\350\200\203\350\263\207\346\226\231-Harfbuzz\345\246\202\344\275\225\344\275\277\347\224\" "b/\345\217\203\350\200\203\350\263\207\346\226\231-Harfbuzz\345\246\202\344\275\225\344\275\277\347\224\" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..128ade2 --- /dev/null +++ "b/\345\217\203\350\200\203\350\263\207\346\226\231-Harfbuzz\345\246\202\344\275\225\344\275\277\347\224\" @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import sys + +import uharfbuzz as hb + + +fontfile = sys.argv[1] +text = sys.argv[2] + +blob = hb.Blob.from_file_path(fontfile) +face = hb.Face(blob) +font = hb.Font(face) + +px = 96 +scale = 1000000.0/952997 +font.scale = (px *scale* 1024, px*scale * 1024) + +buf = hb.Buffer() +buf.add_str(text) +buf.guess_segment_properties() + +features = {"kern": True, "liga": True} +hb.shape(font, buf, features) + +infos = buf.glyph_infos +positions = buf.glyph_positions + +for info, pos in zip(infos, positions): + gid = info.codepoint + cluster = info.cluster + x_advance = pos.x_advance / 1024 + y_advance = pos.y_advance / 1024 + x_offset = pos.x_offset / 1024 + y_offset = pos.y_offset /1024 + print(f"gid{gid}={cluster}@{x_advance},{y_offset}+{x_advance},{y_advance}") \ No newline at end of file